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Canadian men to face Vejle Boldklub on Sunday


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(edited vitrolic comment where i mistakingly identified Nash as JDV)

again..i have only "train wreck" curiosity about this Vejile Boldklub match as this CSA dog-and-pony show teeters even closer to legendary circus sideshow status...now that both St. Lucia (and the apparently scheduled) Guatemala have both left us at the alter, i have trouble imagining any other country in the world having two countries (and hardly huge names) abandon them in one FIFA window.

and now we have a danish second-tier club to pile onto our already formidable pile of extraordinarily odd CSA-related news stories from the past 12 months...i mean, what do you say - is there some point at which the unbelievable becomes completely mundane when you are a v' ? if these matchups and squad lists had shown up on the board last april, i would have been convinced they were the work of pranksters, but this is more and more clearly the work of court jesters much closer to the CSA scene than the average forum member

i'm glad they salvaged some kind of opposition to play against for the poor guys who had to travel so far to provide life-support to this three-ring tent job, but c'mon, are we supposed to see this as progress, or indeed, anything to be the least bit positive about (hey, did you hear the good news - we beat a martinique c team?)in these, the last months running up to quadrennial suffer-fest that we call WCQ?

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I don't know how this turn of events can be construed as being Canada or the CSA's fault. Guatemala apparently had a deal with Canada and backed out only when a more attractive opponent (let's not kid ourselves here) came calling. There is talk that Canada complained to CONCACAF about breach of contract, but there is nothing surprising in the fact that those folks did nothing about it.

St. Lucia backing out is a risk you take when playing a minnow rather than a soccer power. But I don't think we should be blamed for playing minnows, especially given the squad that was called for this camp. If it's about familiarity and seeing new faces, I'd rather have it happen when they are given a chance to show their talents. Would you really want to see a Canada team with a back four anchored by Reda and Cann play against Guatemala or Costa Rica or Honduras?

And from the articles I read from the Martinique perspective, it wasn't a C team at all. It was thrown together relatively late, but with their best players all in the area, it was mostly full strength.

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quote:Originally posted by jonovision

And from the articles I read from the Martinique perspective, it wasn't a C team at all. It was thrown together relatively late, but with their best players all in the area, it was mostly full strength.

Fair enough - i was making a guess based on the lack of canadian reports - one could only presume, no?

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quote:Originally posted by jonovision

I don't know how this turn of events can be construed as being Canada or the CSA's fault. Guatemala apparently had a deal with Canada and backed out only when a more attractive opponent (let's not kid ourselves here) came calling. There is talk that Canada complained to CONCACAF about breach of contract, but there is nothing surprising in the fact that those folks did nothing about it.

St. Lucia backing out is a risk you take when playing a minnow rather than a soccer power. But I don't think we should be blamed for playing minnows, especially given the squad that was called for this camp. If it's about familiarity and seeing new faces, I'd rather have it happen when they are given a chance to show their talents. Would you really want to see a Canada team with a back four anchored by Reda and Cann play against Guatemala or Costa Rica or Honduras?

And from the articles I read from the Martinique perspective, it wasn't a C team at all. It was thrown together relatively late, but with their best players all in the area, it was mostly full strength.

Exactly, and the picture is Martin Nash not JdV....

To me this game is a good opportunity for this young and inexperienced group to get some playing time against decent opposition. Let's be honest, most players in camp are approx at Vejle level of play for the exception of the MLS players.

My feeling about our preparation since 2007 is that our team is getting the games they need. We have only miss February 2007 FIFA date (it was a single date). We already have the March date set and I'm hoping for some kind of traning camp (like in 2004) with a game or two just before the St-Vincent serie.

In term of preparation for 2010 I have a tough time blaming the CSA so far.

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

In term of preparation for 2010 I have a tough time blaming the CSA so far.

Agreed 100%. I had to admit, last week when DM was on the Soccer Show and said that we'd get in 4 matches before SVG I couldn't muster my usual level of cynicism. (I wasn't expecting one of the 4 to be against a marginal club team, but still)

4 matches, no matter the opponent, is admirable prep as far as I'm concerned. I also think they deserve credit for getting a second friendly together on very little notice.

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Guest Jeffery S.

Vejle is Issey's old club, he promoted to top flight Denmark with them and then relegated the next season. Then was transferred up. So it is good they could arrange it, and we have an idea of the level, a team where Issey was one of the better players.

So it is likely Issey helped set it up.

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quote:Originally posted by Fort York Redcoat

This is so embarassing. Will you play with us? We need the practice. Praying the summer matches will turn it all around.

Its a friendly and thats better than the CSA usually get. Right now I'm not complaining about WCQ prep. Obviously I would like to be playing better countries to prepare us for CONCACAF teams, but its better than nothing.

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It looks like Canada defeated Vejle Boldklub 2-0 according to the club's website:


Vejle Boldklub tabte 2-0 til Canada

Vejle Boldklub tabte formiddagens træningskamp med 2-0 til et yderst velkvalificeret canadisk ligalandshold, som talte flere spillere fra Major League Soccer.

Canada viste sig som en for står mundfuld for Vejle Boldklub, som aldrig for alvor fik rytme i spillet mod et godt 4-3-3 mandskab med en kompakt midtbane, og derfor var der ikke noget at sige til 2-0 nederlaget. Canadas 2-0 mål blev sparket ind af den tidligere Vejle-spiller Issey Nakajima-Farran, der var spillede fra start, mens lillebror Paris kom ind i anden omgang.

Allerede efter fem minutter kom Canada foran 1-0. En frisparksbold fra højre fik lov at passere til bagerste stolpe, hvor en canadier uhindret kunne heade bolden i mål til 1-0 føringen. Vejlenserne havde i kampens begyndelse svært ved at komme ind i kampen og få spillet til at fungere, fordi de fysiske stærke canadiere satte sig på midtbanen. Efterhånden kom Vejle-mandskabet bedre med i kampen, men holdet havde stadigvæk svært ved at få spillet til at flyde mod de kompakte canadiere. ”Gæsterne” var på trods af overtaget ikke specielt chanceskabende. Til gengæld var de farlige på dødbolde. Efter 17 minutters spil burde Canada have bragt sig foran 2-0 på et hovedstød, men VB slap med skrækken i den situation.

Vejlenserne kom i løbet af første halvleg frem til et par fine chancer ved Pablo Piñones-Arce og Adeshina Lawal, men målene udeblev og i stedet kom Canada foran 2-0. Et tyndt dømt frispark på kanten af Vejle-feltet blev trillet kort til ex-VB’eren Issey Nakajima-Farran, som kanonerede bolden i mål til 2-0 fem minutter før pausen.

Lige inden pausen indtraf kampens mest omtalte episode. Brian Nielsen lavede frispark på en canadier, og det endte med at de to spillere kom i infight. Det takserede dommeren til to røde kort, men som det er kutyme i træningskampe måtte begge hold sætte en spiller ind i stedet for den udviste. Alex Nørlund afløste Brian Nielsen og kunne sammen med resten af holdet gå til pause bagud 2-0.

Bedre med i anden halvleg

Vejlenserne kom bedre ud til anden halvleg og fik bedre fat i spillet, inden trætheden til sidst satte sine spor. Det betød dog ikke at holdet væltede sig i chancer tværtimod, og to gode hovedstødsforsøg fra Sladan Peric var det tætteste Vejle-holdet kom en reducering mod et canadisk hold, som også havde muligheder for at udbygge føringen. Men det blev ved en 2-0 sejr til et godt canadisk ligalandshold, som var en fin matchning for Vejle Boldklub. Modstanderne talte udover Issey Nakajima-Farran også flere spillere, som til daglig spiller i Major League Soccer heriblandt den i dagens kamp fremragende Dwayne De Rosario, som er en af profilerne i den amerikanske liga.

Kampen i tal

Vejle Boldklub – Canada 0-2 (0-2)

5. 0-1 Canada

40. 0-2 Issey Nakajima-Farran

Startopstillingen (4-4-2)

Jimmi Nielsen

Steffen Kielstrup (højre back)

Bora Zivkovic

Sladan Peric

Dario Mijatovic (venstre back)

Delani (højre kant)

Søren Pallesen

Valentino Lai

Brian Nielsen (venstre kant)

Pablo Piñones-Arce

Adeshina Lawal


43. Alex Nørlund ind Brian Nielsen ud

60. Kim Kristensen ind Delani ud

60. Thomas Røll ind Søren Pallesen ud

76. Andreas Sørensen ind Dario Mijatovic ud

80. Danilo Arrieta ind Valentino Lai ud

86. Sammy Youssouf ind Adeshina Lawal ud


43. Brian Nielsen (rødt kort)

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quote:Originally posted by Metro

Vejle Boldklub – Canada 0-2 (0-2)

5. 0-1 Canada

40. 0-2 Issey Nakajima-Farran

Startopstillingen (4-4-2)

Jimmi Nielsen

Steffen Kielstrup (højre back)

Bora Zivkovic

Sladan Peric

Dario Mijatovic (venstre back)

Delani (højre kant)

Søren Pallesen

Valentino Lai

Brian Nielsen (venstre kant)

Pablo Piñones-Arce

Adeshina Lawal


43. Alex Nørlund ind Brian Nielsen ud

60. Kim Kristensen ind Delani ud

60. Thomas Røll ind Søren Pallesen ud

76. Andreas Sørensen ind Dario Mijatovic ud

80. Danilo Arrieta ind Valentino Lai ud

86. Sammy Youssouf ind Adeshina Lawal ud


43. Brian Nielsen (rødt kort)

So... Canada got the first goal in the 5th minute, and Issey scored the second in the 40th...

Canada sounds like a beast up front, how come we never play him?

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quote:Originally posted by Scottie

So... Canada got the first goal in the 5th minute, and Issey scored the second in the 40th...

Canada sounds like a beast up front, how come we never play him?

Today was Canada's first cap, prior to today it was deciding whether to suit up for us or England.

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Line up for canada and subs


Starting 11

Greg Sutton (Joshua Wagenaar)

Chris Pozniak ( Dejan Jakovic )

Marco Reda

Adrian Cann

Chris Williams (Paris Nakajima-Farran)

Issey Nakajima-Farran

Martin Nash

Dwayne De Rosario

Kevin Harmse (Tyler Rosenlund)

Adrian Serioux (Antonio Ribeiro)

Charles Gbeke (Dave Simpson)

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Too bad that Canada's opponents and the rag-tag quality of players in this camp make it difficult to make a concrete assumption about Issey's recent progress and ultimately his position in a WCQ squad. It seems to be that with his speed and versatility he must be close to cracking a WCQ roster as he could be a really useful sub to have on the bench, maybe the player that Yallop thought he had in Peters the last time around.

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Good result and nice to end this camp on a positive note.

I hope that some of those unattached kids got the attention of the Vejle coaching staff.

Now, I'm looking forward to see what kind of roster will have in Estonia. With WCQ fast approaching, DM should call is top 18 players no matter their club situation (i.e. bring DeRo, Onstad and Brennan even if they are in preseason).

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quote:Originally posted by loyola

Now, I'm looking forward to see what kind of roster will have in Estonia. With WCQ fast approaching, DM should call is top 18 players no matter their club situation (i.e. bring DeRo, Onstad and Brennan even if they are in preseason).

if Brennan is still one of our top 18 players, that is.

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