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Will Dobson get us the answer to the questions?


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Apparently SoccerCentral is on the road recording features in Germany and Holland. They will be doing features on Friend, Simpson,Bernier, McKenna, DeJong, and Lensky. Most intriguingly, they've got an interview with Jon DeGuzman and Dobson promises that he'll be asking the million-dollar question. I can't wait.


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Whats funny is that we've talked to Julian, his dad has made many comments but it didnt really occur to me that we would hear from the man himself. Finally because Im sick of people speculating. Ill try not to start another thread on this so one thing i will say is that it is interesting how England is no longer the "breeding ground" for our guys anymore, I think Germany might have taken its place.

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JDG2 was on soccercentral last year as well. I think Paul Romanuk (sp?) did the interview. Yes and Canada issue was brought up and Jono basically said the same sort of things we've been hearing all along. I doubt Dobson will get anything affirmative from Jono with regards to his decision. Regardless, I will give him/soccercentral credit for getting out and going into Europe and letting our Canadian boys know that many back in Canada are curious about how they're doing and wish them luck.

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I hope that Dobson doesn't just ask the question but reiterates all the support and positives he would get from making The Good Choice. As I suspect there will be better than average chance that he gets an answer that dodges the question it may well be a great opportunity to reinforce all that's good about choosing Canada.

Edit: Just read the article and it seems that the interview is already done and Dobson indicates that they are trying to "convince" him to choose Canada. He says they've already had a very important interview with him which sounds cautiously optimistic.

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quote:Originally posted by Alex

Whats funny is that we've talked to Julian, his dad has made many comments but it didnt really occur to me that we would hear from the man himself. Finally because Im sick of people speculating. Ill try not to start another thread on this so one thing i will say is that it is interesting how England is no longer the "breeding ground" for our guys anymore, I think Germany might have taken its place.

I'd add Holland in there too (Johnson, De Guzman, Lensky, De Jong, Waagenar, Ramalho, Haber etc)

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You know, people can slag The Dobson as much as you want about his play-by-play and match analysis but there is no denying he's a real fan of Canadian football.

Most importantly we've already chatted with his teammate Jonathan deGuzman. And yes, we talked at length about his yet-to-be-made decision regarding his country of choice.

Now THAT should be interesting.

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

did anyone watch this show today? I missed it.

I dont think they had socercentral this week due to no Premier leage games being shown cuz of the FA Cup being on this week.

Hopefully we'll see the results of this next week on the show.

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