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The new CSO Canadian Soccer Org sells "CSO beer"


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This is the new logo proposal for the new Canadian Soccer Organization


We have decided to do our first marketing campaign with beer of course.


We couldnt think of a better spokesperson than Steve Nash brother of our own

Martin Nash

Please feel free to contribute your own logo and youtube commercials for the new CSO.

Youtube is free and an excellent marketing strategy

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Stubby or long neck version Scottie?

Let me know when you post which one you prefer guys.

This is the rough draft obviously I still need to work on the graphics to make it higher quality and will tweek it as I get suggestions.

When there all in I will do a hq revised final draft.

I figure if I put it up CSO online on a site I will ask for a paypal pre beer orders and then get a brewery to take the orders and slap the label on

one of their low selling beers. Use an escrow account or something similar that we can all see and utilize a digg voting system

for deciding where the money goes..

I am sure the accountants in here know what the best steps are for this type of venture.

We could hand out coupons to all donators and the brewery could honour them.

If we get enough I am sure they would go for it guaranteed money and sales and promotion.

Then we can funnel all the money to promoting the MNT .

Now thats what I call vertical marketing.

We all need to to have some fun now.


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quote:Originally posted by fan

Stubby or long neck version Scottie?

Let me know when you post which one you prefer guys.

This is the rough draft obviously I still need to work on the graphics to make it higher quality and will tweek it as I get suggestions.

When there all in I will do a hq revised final draft.

I figure if I put it up CSO online on a site I will ask for a paypal pre beer orders and then get a brewery to take the orders and slap the label on

one of their low selling beers. Use an escrow account or something similar that we can all see and utilize a digg voting system

for deciding where the money goes..

I am sure the accountants in here know what the best steps are for this type of venture.

We could hand out coupons to all donators and the brewery could honour them.

If we get enough I am sure they would go for it guaranteed money and sales and promotion.

Then we can funnel all the money to promoting the MNT .

Now thats what I call vertical marketing.

We all need to to have some fun now.


That would probably be the trickiest part of all.

Other than that, stubbies for sure.

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I dont have a concrete plan yet just shooting ideas and concepts off now Scottie.

We can make a commercial or ads in the newspapers.

We can be creative and have as much fun with it as we choose.

I like the stubby one more and more thanks for the idea gwallace76.

Maybe we could get the guys who do the red cap stubby to do one for us.

Does anyone here know Martin we could ask him to send the ad to his brother Steve to look at.

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quote:Originally posted by Soju

Isn't Steve Nash a mormon and therefore not an alcohol consumer? Might need to find a more suitable mascot, what are Bob and Doug doing eh?

I used to see Stevie Nash off his face in Vancouver nightclubs rather frequently back when I was in university and he was in his first few (non-impact) years with the Phoenix Suns. He didn't look like a temperate Mormon one bit. I've even sold him beer at a previous job.

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I have visions of a short film chronicling the humourous misadventures of Bob and Doug MacKenzie joining Rickie, Julian & Bubbles in a scheme to manipulate Alexander Keith's into bottling a special addition of their "'86 India Pale Ale", in stubbys of course, for their part of a MNT World Cup Qualifying sponsorship program.

All in the name of A). Allowing the MacKenzies to provide financial and moral support for their 2nd cousin thrice removed who used to live four doors down, eh, Dwayne de Rosario (Like NO WAY. I can't believe he cut his hair, eh?) and B). The Sunnyvale residents showing they've never forgotten their 2nd most famous son, Anti Jazic. (Yes it's true. Jazic is a trailor park bhoy).

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I have visions of a short film chronicling the humourous misadventures of Bob and Doug MacKenzie joining Rickie, Julian & Bubbles in a scheme to manipulate Alexander Keith's into bottling a special addition of their "'86 India Pale Ale", in stubbys of course, for their part of a MNT World Cup Qualifying sponsorship program.

All in the name of A). Allowing the MacKenzies to provide financial and moral support for their 2nd cousin thrice removed who used to live four doors down, eh, Dwayne de Rosario (Like NO WAY. I can't believe he cut his hair, eh?) and B). The Sunnyvale residents showing they've never forgotten their 2nd most famous son, Anti Jazic. (Yes it's true. Jazic is a trailor park bhoy).

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quote:Originally posted by jonovision

I'm not sure where this Mormon nonsense is coming from. Perhaps you're thinking of another Canadian sports export, Mike Weir, who isn't a Mormon, but married one.

Some mormons I know told me ages ago Nash was mormon and I've just believed it all these years without looking it up. I can't find any evidence on any website that backs that up and if he's throwing drinks down in night clubs...well I look at him in a new light now. I'll get those bastards. I'm going to tell them Joseph Smith was a basketball player.

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quote:Originally posted by SthMelbRed


I used to see Stevie Nash off his face in Vancouver nightclubs rather frequently back when I was in university and he was in his first few (non-impact) years with the Phoenix Suns. He didn't look like a temperate Mormon one bit. I've even sold him beer at a previous job.

Very true. And if you need proof, google "steve nash drunk" and see what comes up.

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