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CSA circus needs a new ringmaster


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CSA circus needs a new ringmaster

Jan 17, 2008 04:30 AM

Cathal Kelly

The Canadian Soccer Association's board of directors meet in Toronto this weekend to continue their recent effort to run the game into the ground.

There will surely be a lot of talk about ``bright futures'' and ``technical plans.'' (Here's a technical plan for you: Hire someone who knows what they're doing and get out of their way. Our national team set-up has been without a technical director for almost two years. The organization has been without a full-time, salaried leader since COO Kevan Pipe's swipe card was deactivated fourteen months ago. An ant farm has more managerial guidance.)......


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Interestingly enough, I ran into Kevan Pipe yesterday in Toronto. It was work related so I wasn't really able to delve into the situation with the kind of blunt honesty I would have wanted to, but it ended off with me suggesting that he must at least be happy to be gone from the CSA right now, to which he replied:

"Yeah, it's a disaster right now."

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Good column by Cathal.

I pointed out one inaccuracy to him by email this morning (the Federal government does not provide the bulk of the CSA budget...registration money does) but other than that, he hit the nail on the head pretty well I think

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A basic version of this article needs to run in every major newspaper in the country, while the electronic media needs to join in the dogpile on the CSA. There is a degree of momentum for change at the moment. Rather than let the self-serving, incompetent snakes that 'run' the game in Canada slither back under their rocks to regroup, the rocks need to be kicked away so that they will be clearly exposed to the light so that the casual fans, government, soccer moms, etc. can come to know what we all know about our CSA.

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quote:Originally posted by Toronto MB

Interestingly enough, I ran into Kevan Pipe yesterday in Toronto. It was work related so I wasn't really able to delve into the situation with the kind of blunt honesty I would have wanted to, but it ended off with me suggesting that he must at least be happy to be gone from the CSA right now, to which he replied:

"Yeah, it's a disaster right now."

Yes, it is a disaster now but it was also a disaster when he was in charge.

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I don't see the media doing a 180 on Kevan Pipe. ALl that's happening is a comparison between the abject disaster we have now with the poor performance of the CSA during the Pipe era. Both are poor but the former is worse than the latter. This in no way equates to lauding the Pipe era.

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^ Agreed. The Pipe era was bad but the current situation is the next level of bad. One thing is for sure...whoever takes over is not going to have overly big shoes to fill.

Maybe the CSA should hire John Ferguson Jr. (i hear he's going to be looking for work soon and he's familiar with working with a screwed up board of directors).

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

I don't see the media doing a 180 on Kevan Pipe. ALl that's happening is a comparison between the abject disaster we have now with the poor performance of the CSA during the Pipe era. Both are poor but the former is worse than the latter. This in no way equates to lauding the Pipe era.

I didn't say they lauded the Pipe era, I said that they are doing a 180 on Pipe. The Toronto media used to ridicule Pipe, particularly in the days of trying to get the soccer stadium plan in place. Now we have an article saying that Pipe is "beginning to look like a genius in hindsight" - this is pretty well the definition of doing a u-turn.

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quote:Originally posted by Richard

^ They're not doing a 180 on Pipe, just saying he did a better job, bad as it was though not necessarily because of Pipe himself, relative to what is being done (or not done) now by the CSA.

Saying that someone who was previously panned now "looks like a genius in hindsight" is a sharp re-appraisal of that person, no matter how you try to spin it. If you can show me when the Toronto media previously referred to him as "looking like a genius" when he was actually employed by the CSA, then I might be inclined to re-consider.

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Yes, I can see the hyperbole perfectly. It is still a re-appraisal - hence the use of the term "hindsight".

And you know what? Life is too short for this. If you want to continue to pick an argument over this completely trival point you go right on ahead. I've got better things to do.

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