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Wolfsburg interested in Stalteri


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Finally a solid rumour about a Stalteri transfer. The team is traditional mid-table team Wolfsburg, the Volkswagon team, currently in 11th place. They are coached by former Bayern and Stuttgart coach Felix Magath who is trying to make them into more than a mid-table team. Magath also coached Stalteri for one year in Bremen and according to the article Stalteri was one of his favourites because he was a tireless worker (Magath is a very demanding coach). The article states that a deal to transfer Sparta Prag right back Pospech has fallen through because Wolfsburg didn't want to pay th 300 000 Euro transfer fee despite having agreed to a contract with the player. The article speculates that they didn't want to pay the transfer because Stalteri was available for a much smaller sum because Tottenham wants to get him off the payroll. According to the paper's sources negotiations with Stalteri are quite advanced. Let's hope this goes through.

Stalteri statt Pospech


Der Wechsel des tschechischen Nationalspielers Zdenek Pospech zum VfL ist geplatzt. Gestern teilte sein Verein Sparta Prag auf der eigenen Internetseite mit: „Pospech bleibt bei Sparta.“ Doch nach WAZ-Informationen hat der Wolfsburger Fußball-Bundesligist bereits eine Alternative an der Angel: den Ex-Bremer Paul Stalteri. Das würde passen, denn das Scheitern des Pospech-Transfers ist seltsam: Der VfL war nicht bereit, 300.000 Euro drauf zu legen, um die von Prag geforderte Ablöse zu zahlen. Ein vergleichsweise kleiner Betrag, immerhin war mit dem Spieler schon alles klar, am Sonntag war er sogar in Wolfsburg, um sich alles anzusehen (WAZ berichtete). Sein Berater Miroslav Kadlec meinte gestern aber: „Zwischen den Vereinen war nichts zu machen, also sind wir enttäuscht wieder heim gefahren.“ Hat VfL-Trainer Felix Magath so schnell die Wunschlösung für die Rechtsverteidigung aufgegeben, weil die Alternative im Anflug ist? Die WAZ erfuhr: Ja! Man sei mit Stalteri sehr weit. Der 30-jährige Kanadier spielte eine Saison in Bremen unter Magath, galt schon damals als einer seiner Lieblingsschüler, weil unermüdlich arbeitet. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Stalteri kann viele Positionen spielen, etwa Linksverteidiger. Und: Er ist für wenig Geld zu haben, denn er spielt derzeit beim englischen Erstligisten Tottenham Hotspur keine Rolle, soll dort von der Gehaltsliste.

Quelle: WAZ 08.01.2008

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I wonder how much his wife will like moving from London to Wolfytown....i'm not sure if any of you have been there but I have once and, well, my mother always said if you having nothing nice to say, zip your mouth....but you get the hint

From a soccer standpoint, it would be a good move....playing time is important

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great move for stalteri, could be back with bremen in no time. either way wolfsburg is a decent side. didn't d'allesandro play their for years?

either way, get out of tottenham, they have totally screwed him over. another example of english football wasting talent.

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great move for stalteri, could be back with bremen in no time. either way wolfsburg is a decent side. didn't d'allesandro play their for years?

either way, get out of tottenham, they have totally screwed him over. another example of english football wasting talent.

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quote:Originally posted by lefoot

great move for stalteri, could be back with bremen in no time. either way wolfsburg is a decent side. didn't d'allesandro play their for years?

either way, get out of tottenham, they have totally screwed him over. another example of english football wasting talent.

He was on the bench today but never used. [xx(]

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quote:Originally posted by VPjr

I wonder how much his wife will like moving from London to Wolfytown....i'm not sure if any of you have been there but I have once and, well, my mother always said if you having nothing nice to say, zip your mouth....but you get the hint

From a soccer standpoint, it would be a good move....playing time is important

It is certainly not the nicest city in Germany but at that playing level I don't think that should be much of a factor in deciding where to play. Wolfsburg is only 150 km from Berlin and the fast speed train between the cities only takes one hour so he could even live in Berlin if he preferred. Depending where he lives in London I wouldn't be surprised if it took him almost as much time to travel from his home in London to Tottenham's practice facilities as it would from Berlin to practices in Wolfsburg.

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quote:Originally posted by Grizzly

It is certainly not the nicest city in Germany but at that playing level I don't think that should be much of a factor in deciding where to play. Wolfsburg is only 150 km from Berlin and the fast speed train between the cities only takes one hour so he could even live in Berlin if he preferred. Depending where he lives in London I wouldn't be surprised if it took him almost as much time to travel from his home in London to Tottenham's practice facilities as it would from Berlin to practices in Wolfsburg.

No argument there. He doesn't have to live in Wolfsburg. I was just trying to be a bit funny. On my trip to Germany I visited Frankfurt, Munich and Frankfurt. Clearly, VWville doesn't hold a candle to the other 2. It's a factory town. It's pretty grim. Many of the execs at VW don't live there so I would not expect a professional footballer to live there either.

But, as i mentioned above, that is irrelvant. All that matters is he finds a team in a good league that will play him.

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quote:Originally posted by Grizzly

It is certainly not the nicest city in Germany but at that playing level I don't think that should be much of a factor in deciding where to play. Wolfsburg is only 150 km from Berlin and the fast speed train between the cities only takes one hour so he could even live in Berlin if he preferred. Depending where he lives in London I wouldn't be surprised if it took him almost as much time to travel from his home in London to Tottenham's practice facilities as it would from Berlin to practices in Wolfsburg.

Wolfsburg is an industrial city, basically a city employed by

Volkswagen. Recently the city has become an attraction for its

AutoStadt, a museum complex housing VW, Audi, Bugatti, Lamborghini,

Skoda, and Seat.

Grizzly is right however, that geography is not a much of a factor in

deciding where to play. Hannover is practically next door, and VW

Arena is quite a nice stadium (where Canada played Germany in 2003).

I could think of worse places to play, including CCC cities in the

U.K. ... or live in, that includes certain parts of London.

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quote:Originally posted by redhat

Wolfsburg is an industrial city, basically a city employed by

Volkswagen. Recently the city has become an attraction for its

AutoStadt, a museum complex housing VW, Audi, Bugatti, Lamborghini,

Skoda, and Seat.

Grizzly is right however, that geography is not a much of a factor in

deciding where to play. Hannover is practically next door, and VW

Arena is quite a nice stadium (where Canada played Germany in 2003).

I could think of worse places to play, including CCC cities in the

U.K. ... or live in, that includes certain parts of London.

Hannover is not a particularly interesting or exciting city either. I would probably live in Wolfsburg or a surrounding town if I were him and travel to Berlin or Hamburg (also about 150 km away whenever I needed some excitement). In many respects as a professional athlete it is probably better to live in a boring city though maybe not so good for his wife.

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I'm sure Wolfsburg and surroundings will be just fine for Mr, Mrs and the Littlest Stalteri as far as their social lives are concerned. London has to be feeling like a gilded cage by about now.

The sooner he moves, if the move is on, the better. The league kicks off a-gin at the end of January no? Rusty as he might be it would be a great period to be able to blend into the side.

Anyone know where Wolfsburg are training these days?

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its funny, if you google image search wolfsburg all you get are images of soccer players and volkswagons.

VFL are 5W 5L 7D and have scored 30 goals, given up 30 goals...pretty much even.

they sure do have a nice stadium...22 000 seats, 8000 standing room...built in 2002...average attendance this year is 24 000.

they are one point ahead of imhof's bochum


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