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Another Midlfielder in Italy 1990 or 1991


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Some what news I guess, there is a strong possiblities that lookiing over some transfers in Italy the past fall. I show one more Canadian playing that I am missing. This player is playing in Serie D in Girone G. a Midfielder from Toronto BASE he is the age of 17 years with a intials rP Thats all I have right now unless some else can help me out here to find out who he is. But difinetly there. He is a Midlfielder and playing for Ferentino Calcio.

Does anyone know who this is.......................

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Sounds like an interesting team... If I'm reading this right (via Babelfish) it looks like four of their "fans" were arrested in September this year for possessing bomb making materials??? Pretty hard core for a team with a stadium of only 2100.


Edit 1:

No sign of a roster that I can find online but the team appears to be second from bottom in Serie D Girone G:


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