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Show 46: September 23, 2007


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Show 46 (download) of the Canuck Report, official podcast of the Voyageurs, has been released.

I do the news and interview Dino Rossi (aka VPjr) about the group he helped create, the Canadian Soccer Supporters United. We also touched on Fred Nykamp, the CSA, and what needs to be done for Soccer in this country.

  • Rob Friend scores for Moenchengladbach, how the heck do you say that?
  • Simeon Jackson scores his third goal
  • Toronto FC scores!
  • Info on the Canadian Soccer Supporters United (CSSU)
  • How does the CSSU work besides the Voyageurs?
  • Fred Nykamp, can we blame the CSA?
  • If Colin Linford had stepped way out of line, does anything change for the CSSU?
  • What type of system does Canada need?
  • What happens if the CSA is changed is some way?
  • What type of change is needed?
  • What is next for the CSSU?

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