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Hargreaves -- short story


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I am new to this forum and I see a lot of negative comments re hargreaves. I feel I am not gettin the full story, and I apologize if it is burried somewhere.

My understanding is that he was cut from the U15,16 team even though he was told by der Kaiser that was a future star.

The he goes to DE and when invited back after making the team, he says no thanks -- you did not want me back then, I have an option to suit up for England, I will take it.

Am I missing something like he was not really cut, he made that up, etc.? Sorry to take up a thread if this issue has been discussed to death.

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Like many other young players he was overlooked for national youth teams (happens all the time). Then he was signed by Bayer Munich as a youth. He was interviewed on television and said he would play for Canada. Then he started playing for Bayern and suddenly a desperate England squad (who never, ever expressed interest or offered him a place on their youth teams - so thats a crock of $#!t re: not choosing Canada) invited him for a look-see and the rest is sordid history.

The fact that he chose to play for a foreign nation was disappointing. Any "Canadian" who chooses to play for a foreign nation can expect some stick from fans and that is fair. It was his going back on his word that elevates him to the status of "Whore-greaves" and makes him #1 on the Most Hated list for many.

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yes there are about a million threads on this that could be found using the forums search function, but as I had these exact questions when i first joined the forum 3 years ago, i'll try to help.

You have the basic facts. He was cut at the U17 level. Then went to Bayern. During this time, before he became real big and before there was interest from england, there was pressure on Holger Ossieck to call him up for Canada. But stubborn Holger only made comments about not calling up unproven players. Wales and then England became interested eventually. The whore then makes comments about being loyal to canada and that he would play for the canadian MNT. then he suits up for england.

Not sure how many times he turned down a Canada cap, or if i even have the sequence of events in the right order. but that is about the main story. to sum up, the voyageurs hate him because:

- he publicly stated that he would play for us

- he played for england without ever having lived there

- he learned to play soccer in calgary

- he held a grudge over being cut like a whiny bitch, instead of accepting it and becoming more resolved to make the U20s like a real pro/man

- he speaks with a clearly bogus english accent

- we really needed him and he turned his back on us

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this story has been done to death. bottom line. you get cut, or not, you are a kid. 15. when your country calls on you to play, and they need you. suit up. instead he runs off to play for his daddies country. such is the nature of living in an open-minded country such as canada, where nationalism and football are not ingrained. you would think general pride and self worth would inspire someone to overcome early pitfalls, such as not making a u 15 team. i was reading on this forum somewhere a link to a mathew good blog about his love of the english national team. cause his dad is english. guess what. you are canadian. the point of football, a good point toward the love for this game, is derived from pride in where you are from. not attaching yourself to some other nationality because it seems more cool, authentic, or can lead to better career opportunities. you are not better than where you are from. sad but true international football is all just big business. as far as the hargreaves debate goes. its over and done. who cares?

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one question i like to ask .........how many canadians born in canada latch on to other countries because their parents moved here from their home country u see it in the u20 world cup lots of support for portugal brasil etc how many of their supporters were born in canada i bet a fair few

if your born in canada support your bloody country

as for o.h. he should have played for his country of birth like ryan giggs did (wales)

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