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Danny Dichio First Goal, a Video Celebration

Guest Dave

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I was playing around with some video editting software, and (mostly as a means of filling up a dull afternoon) put together a little video collage/celebration of the first goal ever scored by TFC, trying to recapture the delirious ecstasy of that May 12 afternoon. Here is my first attempt, nothing fancy,

I decided to post it on crappy old U-TUBE for now.

Unfortunately, as with most things on Utube, the quality kind of sucks. Anyway, thought I'd share.

I might be able to find a better way of sharing this (DivX version, 4 minutes, 40 Mb, reasonable quality) or even the original 700 Mb DV version (average to good quality) if anyone's interested.

Anyway, here's the link. Comments or criticism are much appreciated.


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