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Safa to pay R30 000 'just to say thank you'


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Safa to pay R30 000 'just to say thank you'

Johannesburg, South Africa


The South African Football Association (Safa) has denied that members of its executive committee are seeking R500 000 each for supporting South Africa's successful bid to host the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

"I don't know where it was coming from. It was never mentioned at the NEC [national executive committee] meetings," Morio Sanyane, Safa spokesperson, said on Monday.

Instead, Safa has agreed in principle to pay an honorarium of R30 000 to NEC members who supported the bid, he said.

The matter would be discussed at the next NEC meeting and probably placed on the agenda of Safa's annual general meeting in September.

"At the last meeting the recommendation was that R30 000 should be paid," said Sanyane. It is just to say thank you for supporting [Danny] Jordaan, [irvin] Khoza and [Molefi] Oliphant."

According to a weekend news report, 21 NEC members want R500 000 after Jordaan, Khoza and Oliphant -- key figures in securing the bid -- were awarded R22-million bonuses between them three years ago when South Africa was named host country for 2010.

The report quoted an unnamed NEC member as saying it was not fair that they had not received any payment for their efforts. - Sapa

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1. Engaging in questionable behaviour; shady.

2. Characterized by, constituting, or gained by unscrupulous methods: irregular business practices.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin warnerus, from warnus, warner-, shady.]

warner·iffic n.

warn·er·ly adv.

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