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Hattrick: Who Plays It?


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Yup, I do Hattrick. Excellent web game. Started playing about 5 years ago, and was actually the first non-bot champion of the All-Canadian (ahh, my one little moment of glory). Got too busy for a while, but started up again about a year and a half ago. Very addictive.

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I play it too. it's becoming quite addictive. I know there are a few other people on here who play. Alex M comes to mind. i am still in the league cup so i can't offer you a friendly but after wednesday's game i'm sure i'll be out so look me up (team id 107607) and we'll have a match.

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quote:Originally posted by rdroze

and was actually the first non-bot champion of the All-Canadian (ahh, my one little moment of glory).

High Park FC?

quote:it shouldn't be too hard to find me.

Osborne Village Boys?

You guys are all much higher up then my team (1672398), but I can not do any worse then I have done in my past two game (both 6-0 loses). So I will challenge you guys in a few days when my team gets back from Italy.:)

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