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Has the MLS failed?


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Has the MLS failed?

Crowds this year can be summed up by the 4K who showed up in Denver three days after 46K showed up in the same stadium to see the very same team play. If there is no gimmick to bring them, the crowds are terrible.

How long can this league last? Is FC Toronto a last ditch hail mary to keep the league going for a year or two? Is FC Toronto the modern day version of the Jacksonville Tea-Men?

After 11 years the MLS is no farther ahead than the old NASL was.

Here is the 1981 average attendance for the NASL.



New York Cosmos 34,857

Montreal Manic 23,704

Vancouver Whitecaps 23,236

Tampa Bay Rowdies 23,162

Seattle Sounders 18,224

Tulsa Roughnecks 17,188

Minnesota Kicks 16,605

San Diego Sockers 14,802

Ft.Lauderdale Strikers 13,324

Chicago Sting 12,889

San Jose Earthquakes 12,242

Washington Diplomats 12,106

Edmonton Drillers 10,632

Portland Timbers 10,516

Calgary Boomers 10,501

The league was dead in 4 years...

The MLS it seems is simply the NASL 2, but without a decent draw in the largest media market- NYC. And judging by the number of markets over 10K--the old NASL was ahead.

How many years are left?

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I really dont care what the average attendance was in 1981 because it doesnt really matter. It was a different generation. But what would help me is if you could tell me what the average MLS attendance is currently. Keep in mind that today people can go to many different sporting events than they could in 1981. Theres alot more for people to do. MLS has alot of competition. So I dont think crowds of 15,000 are bad at all.

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quote:Originally posted by Alex

I really dont care what the average attendance was in 1981 because it doesnt really matter. It was a different generation. But what would help me is if you could tell me what the average MLS attendance is currently. Keep in mind that today people can go to many different sporting events than they could in 1981. Theres alot more for people to do. MLS has alot of competition. So I dont think crowds of 15,000 are bad at all.

Being old enough to have been a part of the ticket buying public in 1981 and still am today....I would really like to know about all of those different things there are to do today that were not available then.

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quote:Originally posted by TOareaFan

Being old enough to have been a part of the ticket buying public in 1981 and still am today....I would really like to know about all of those different things there are to do today that were not available then.

Video games, 500-channel tvs, this little thing called the internet, many more "pro" sports leagues (lacrosse, arena football, etc.), even the NBA was ready to fold in the 70's is huge today, much more entertainment content (movies, music, magazines, etc.) today than 25 years ago, etc. I really don't buy this "people have more options" as an excuse, but it is true overall.

As for MLS, the key is their financial model. It's not going anywhere. Even if teams supposedly lose money, the owners still make money from operating the stadiums. AEG (the owner of I think 4 teams) is trying to build an entertainment powerhouse. They need MLS to get new concert facilities, I mean soccer stadiums, built in other cities like San Jose, Houston, Salt Lake, Kansas City, Philly/South Jersey, and whatever other cities they have their eyes on.

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quote:Originally posted by Elias

Video games, 500-channel tvs, this little thing called the internet, many more "pro" sports leagues (lacrosse, arena football, etc.), even the NBA was ready to fold in the 70's is huge today, much more entertainment content (movies, music, magazines, etc.) today than 25 years ago, etc. I really don't buy this "people have more options" as an excuse, but it is true overall.

Maybe I am weird but my decision making process about going to an event is the same now as it was then.....1) do I want to go out that night and, if so, 2) is that event the thing I want to go to.

Never struck me that the "stay at home" things would factor into the decision until I had answered question #1....and then it would be 2) what am I going to do if I stay home.

I guess I am saying that I do not see how many of the things that you mention would affect soccer attendance.

As for the many more leagues..........well we have lost a few too (World Team Tennis, as an example).

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quote:Originally posted by TOareaFan

Maybe I am weird but my decision making process about going to an event is the same now as it was then.....1) do I want to go out that night and, if so, 2) is that event the thing I want to go to.

Never struck me that the "stay at home" things would factor into the decision until I had answered question #1....and then it would be 2) what am I going to do if I stay home.

I guess I am saying that I do not see how many of the things that you mention would affect soccer attendance.

As for the many more leagues..........well we have lost a few too (World Team Tennis, as an example).

World Team Tennis is alive.


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quote:Originally posted by Breakwood

Then it hasn't quite failed. The arena league is still alive.

Don't think you got my point.

Two answers.

Yes (the MLS has failed).

The MLS is to soccer what the Arena League is to the NFL (MLS is pure and utter garbage).

My opinion only, of course.

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quote:Originally posted by TOareaFan

Being old enough to have been a part of the ticket buying public in 1981 and still am today....I would really like to know about all of those different things there are to do today that were not available then.

What Im trying to say is that all you see in advertising in newspapers, magazines, billboards are people trying to get on top, people wanting to attract a larger audience to their product whether or not its sports. To answer your question about what all of these different things are, well I'll tell you. Ill stick with a city like Toronto. We have the Raptors, the Marlies, Mississauga Ice Dogs, St. Mikes Majors, Toronto Rock, national rugby games (Churchill Cup at York was recently played) golf courses are all over the city as well. Dare I say Toronto also has the Lynx.

Now is it possible for all these teams and different sports to expect large crowds, sure its possible, but is it reality? probably not. Look at baseball, there are large crowds for home openers and for playoff calibre teams but other teams draw only enough for fill the stadium half way.

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quote:Originally posted by gwsmith63

Don't think you got my point.

Two answers.

Yes (the MLS has failed).

The MLS is to soccer what the Arena League is to the NFL (MLS is pure and utter garbage).

My opinion only, of course.

So are we supposed to have expected MLS to become the "EPL West" in only 10+ years of existence?

That's a tad unrealistic.

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quote:Originally posted by gwsmith63

Hey, we're all entitled to our opinion Rudi so no probs.

But I'll see you here in 10 years when you can ask me the same question. Or maybe not, as MLS might not be around.........


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I don't think it has failed. But I hope that it does fail. I mean, think about it: if it succeeds and some of the best players in the world play in MLS, what a waste that would be! It's a waste on 2 fronts:

1)The best players in the world will waste much of their time playing in meaningless matches (because like every league in North America, MLS will always have a long, boring regular season followed by a short playoff that includes 80% of the teams in the league).

2) Nobody will actually see them play apart from the 10 or 15 football fans that exist in North America.

Another problem related to MLS success would be: no longer would we have a league where all the best players in the world can be seen. Right now that league is the Champions League.

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