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Canada's A-lineup now and WCQ 2008


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subs: Hume, Serioux, Simpson, Peters, Jazic, Hirschfeld, Imhof, Grande, Reda.

I've gotta say Brennan fans' 11 suits me fine as well.

I have no idea about 2008. Depends on a lot of things and is still 30 months away. Who's to say if Peters, DeJong, Jonathan DeGuzman, Johnson, etc will be ready yet?



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I'd like to see the following for 2008:



-----Hutchinson---DeGuz the Elder---

---Peters--DeGuz the Younger--Simpson--


Probably a bit too young, but I think it would a be good line-up towards the end of qualification, and I think would have the right blend of youth and experience by 2010, god-willing Canada qualifies of course. Or should that read 'Yallop-willing'?

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