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Jason Bent — Has he retired from soccer???


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Well whatever it is (and I hope it is not what I am guessing based on the cryptic descriptions posted here) I wish Jason all the best and am truly disappointed he is unable to resume his career.

Always one of my faves, after watching him live vs. Macedonia at Varsity. Best player on the pitch which included Stalteri, Devos, Aristodemo, Jazic and Menezes.

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Well whatever it is (and I hope it is not what I am guessing based on the cryptic descriptions posted here) I wish Jason all the best and am truly disappointed he is unable to resume his career.

Always one of my faves, after watching him live vs. Macedonia at Varsity. Best player on the pitch which included Stalteri, Devos, Aristodemo, Jazic and Menezes.

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Whats the deal here? Is this not a board where one comes for Canadian soccer news? A chronic illness of a Canadian soccer player is news. Instead what we get here is a bunch of replies along the lines of "we know something that you don't and we aren't going to tell you".

Seems to me these cryptic replies do nothing but make the situation worse. So he has AIDS then?

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Whats the deal here? Is this not a board where one comes for Canadian soccer news? A chronic illness of a Canadian soccer player is news. Instead what we get here is a bunch of replies along the lines of "we know something that you don't and we aren't going to tell you".

Seems to me these cryptic replies do nothing but make the situation worse. So he has AIDS then?

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There's nothing mysterious, scandalous or controversial about the scenario. We aren't going into specifics simply respecting the wishes of the person who supplied a number of us (privately) with the info, who asked us not to make the specifics public. There's no good reason for us to break that trust placed in us. And it wasn't me who started this thread. I simply wanted to counter the assertion that Jason Bent had un-officially "retired" since I don't believe that is the case.

And no, he doesn't have AIDS!

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quote:Originally posted by SeanKeay

Its not our buisness, deal with it krammerhead..... if he wanted all of us to know We would kno

so f,uck right off..


Once again Sean with the insults. You must get your @ss kicked a lot. My point was and still is if a few of the people on the board hadn't responded with the cryptic responses it wouldn't have led to people deciding they needed to know. Gianluca's original response to Luis was the best way of actually making people want to know what the reason is.

Now that he has explained the reason for keeping it secret (because he was asked to) at least explains the reason for not letting us know.

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If it's not anything controversial or immoral then why can't you guys just be straight forward. I've been trying to figure out for a year what has happened to a player who was an integral part of Canada's national team, and now seems to have dropped off the face of the planet. When a famous professional athlete gets injured, the injury is reported. That's the small price of being a well known and well paid athlete. No one here is asking about Bent's love life or tax receipts, we just want to know the nature of the injury. Surely you can be more specific than "chronic health problems." I think committed fans deserve that much. And as far as privacy, if a bunch of people have been told "privately", then the story is obviously not too private is it? If you'd rather get your soccer news "privately", then don't come to a public forum and post cryptic messages. Frankly, it's pathetic.

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Well frankly I think burning someone you obviously have a personal relationship with (whoever had the scoop on Bent) to satisfy the curiosity of a bunch of strangers would be more pathetic, but that's just me. Personally I'm happy Jason Bent is hoping to resume his career at some point and I hope he recovers quickly from whatever has befallen him.

I appreciated knowing that Bent wants to keep playing and knowing that it's a medical thing helps fill in some blanks on his absense. I don't feel the need to know exactly what is wrong (at least not from fans on the Vee board, an enterprising Canadian jounralist might want to pick up the story though) and I appreciate the people who do know trying to tell us what is going on without betraying their source.



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quote:Originally posted by manutd1

If you'd rather get your soccer news "privately", then don't come to a public forum and post cryptic messages. Frankly, it's pathetic.

I think you bile would be better directed elsewhere. If I had started the thread maybe you might have a point, but I didn't, and therefore you don't. I didn't come to this forum to post a cryptic message, I've been on it for years and responded to a thread somebody else started in order to de-bunk what I believe to be false claim. Respecting the trust someone I am friends with has placed in me shouldn't be too hard a concept to appreciate.

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quote:Originally posted by Luis_Rancagua

What's the secret with Jason. Has he robbed a bank or serving time in jail????

Allow me to translate for those unfamiliar with polite speak. Allways handy for dinners with your betters and their business associates or whilst visiting in-laws.


It's not "jail" it's "Provincial holiday".

It's not "Aids" it's "battling an illness".

It's not "fu'k off, arse eyes" it's "we'll have to study that proposal".

Etc, etc.

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