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good political forum?

Passive Observer

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quote:Originally posted by marktci

For the US and world events, if you're on the left, Dailykos.com.

For stuff that is really funny, check out


these people are so far to left it is hilarious. Some of the theories they have about why things happen in the world are mind blowingly idiotic.

I would say the same thing about kos, but he is actually a dangerous guy as his voice actually carries a bit of weight in the democrat's camp. If I was an american, I would probably be more at home in the democrat's camp than the republican's (I have a fear, which is maybe irrational, that the GOP's are too tied up with the religious scene). However, the fact that democrats are aligning themselves with moonbats like kos make me think I could never be one of them. I think that if you googled "screw 'em" and "daily kos" you could find out why I don't think very highly of markos.

For a good view from the right, you could check out


which is blog by a guy who is a libertarian (libertarians are usually aligned to the right). Other good right wing blogs are by Michele Malkin and http://www.stephentaylor.ca/ and if you are looking nuttier right blogs (to offset the wackiness you experience at kos or DU), try http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ where you can see some of the posters are truly insane right wing wind bags.

I re-read the above post a few times and I'm thinking that it should not create any tempests like what happened last time I opined on a non-soccer related matter.

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