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Canadian playing in Chile


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It appears that Canadian born Carlos Rivas Jr. has been training with Club de Futbol La Serena of the Chilean 1st Division. He has been impressing the management there. I do remember his father Carlos Rivas Sr. Rivas Jr. is eligible to play for either Canada or Chile, as it now appears that he has dual citizenship. Can someone here tell me more about this guy.

Here's an article on young Rivas: http://www.lun.com/deportes/Futbol/detalle_noticia.asp?cuerpo=701&seccion=806&subseccion=901&idnoticia=C385498867201505

Another site, coming straight from the Chilean press, confirms that Rivas Jr. has not yet made the senior squad of La Serena: http://www.terra.cl/deportes/estadisticas/index.cfm?accion=equipo&idequipo=25

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From the article it appears that Rivas could get his Chilean nationality in six months if he is willing to wait that long. Else he could play as part of the import quota for the Club. It looks we will lose him for playing for Canada. Isn't he the guy that the CSA gave him some pins as support. What is the CSA thinking. According the article his father is a respected coach in Toronto, he was a famous National player for Chile in 1981-82 and his mother is a daughter from another famous Chilean goalkeeper from 1962. The kid has some genes.

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carlos rivas jr. is a very skilled type player. He plays the cejnter midfield role, and has a great first touch on the ball. He played in Mexico last year with the cruz azul jr team. He got injured last year and came back to canada where he was training wit Nationakl training Center in Vaughan, Onytario. His Father Carlos Rivas Sr. is the coach of the Ntc training centyer. His father was also part of the coaching staff of the U-20 team a few years ago. Jr. was part of the U-20 development eam this past year. Because of his injury he was'nt in game shape. So hopefully now that Canada haven't really treated bad, he will choose to play for them which i think he will.

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