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Montreal Impact press conference today

Bxl Boy

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Had a nice chat with Greg Sutton at the conference. He said he very much enjoyed his time in England but did not feel he had enough time to do all he wanted. He is definitely going back next year (he did not specify if it would be this summer or after the USL season is over). He is looking forward to playing in Montreal this year. Pizzolitto is VERY VERY happy not to play indoors any more as he has been doing both for 7 straight years and has had a hard time with injuries. He feels 100% at this time.

I really enjoyed what Lloyd Barker had to say about his teammates and his time as a player with the Impact. In a very classy move, he thanked all his former coaches (Eddie Firmani, Gazzolla and his coach with Ottawa whose name escapes me) as well as Joey Saputo and team manager Mike Moretto(and of course De Santis). Of Saputo he said "You and your family have made Montreal the hotbed of soccer in Canada." I couldn't have put it better myself.

De Santis is very high on Mert( who was not at the conference).

Of the jerseys, I like the third black "Extreme" jersey but I have to agree with Mathias(BXL Boy) that the others look like pjs.

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quote:Originally posted by DJT

I'm not picky about jerseys, so I don't have a problem with these — EXCEPT FOR THE LARGE LOGO ([xx(]).

Why does "Saputo" appear on the second jersey but not the first one?

I'm guessing because there's not much point in having a Saputo ad for away games.

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