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Fury season tickets


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"Any signings, it getting close to May."

Most teams generally won't sign players until mid march-early april, as most are still in schools and won't likely know what kind of regement the school will want for them. Those out of school likely have committed, and are usually working, (for the team or otherwise) but the teams will try to wait until after the schedule is announced to comment on any returning or new signings.

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Considering the W-league Fury team was 45 bucks last year. 90 for both seems the no brainier approach.

Can you buy tickets either to W-league or the PDL? or do you have to buy the 90 dollar package for both?

If I was only interested in going to the W-league, my season ticket cost has now doubled.

And in all honestly- the idea of double headers---4 hours at Keith Harris isn't something I'm longing for on a warm summer Sunday. It's simply not much of facility. 2 porta potties, no shelter from rain or sun and hard wood benches with no backs. And with the grassy knoll replacing the far side stands…. no better than any city park for atmosphere.

That PDL team better be awesome…or people won’t be coming back often.

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First there are major changes in for keith harris that will mae it one of the best pdl parks.A new grand stand will be added as will seats will be added at both ends.A new score board is aslo going to be added a new conceesion stand will aslo be added as well there will be washrooms added.And yes you can buy season tickets just to the w-league team you aslo can buy a flex pack.

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Went to the Fury site. No info tickets or Harris upgrade. I'm betting that all that Harris stuff won't happen for at least 3 years. By that time the Fury may be long gone.

Where are you getting your info from? Are you a club insider?

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As for keith harris it was in the ottawa sun in late fall.It is a 3 year plan most of the major changes will be done for this up comming season.As for season tickets i just sent the club an email and they sent me a reply with all the ticket info.

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