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Canadian Future Soccer Stars

soccer dad

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In Europe soccer is not a game it is a way of life. In a lot of other contries athletes are bred from birth.We need to give our children the opportunity to develop into world class athletes.Start them young,teach them well,find them the best possible training available and we shall someday become a driving force in world soccer.My seven year old has moves he learned from watching the pros, he loves the game he practices constantly and nobody has heart like him.Watch out Freddy Adu!

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It's good to see that you and your son are enthusiastic but I think we can all see it'll take more than this attitude to make Canada any sort of driving force in the world of Soccer.

We need to look no further than countries such as China and Thailand to see this. In these countries (with much greater populations) Soccer is a way of life, and is already perceived as being a good masculine sport that's played on every street corner everyday. Soccer in these countries is followed meticulously and passionately by fans. Millions of these children watch the pros play too and can emulate them very well. Their parents seek the best development for them and they wander through the systems and get lost somewhere along the way. Their national teams consistently fail to get results.

These countries don't lack passion, what they lack is organization at the top to develop players and field teams strong enough to compete on the world stage.

Unfortunately Canada for the time being lacks both.

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