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Pipe on the score?

Albert Q

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This seems to be The Score with Greg Sansone, a current affairs sports program. I've never seen it, and I'm not sure if I can get home by six on Thursday.

I hope they get to a few topics, including the budget, WCQ, and the new stadium. Has anyone seen this show before? Does Sansone do his research and ask pointed questions?

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quote:Originally posted by Glenn

This seems to be The Score with Greg Sansone, a current affairs sports program. I've never seen it, and I'm not sure if I can get home by six on Thursday.

I hope they get to a few topics, including the budget, WCQ, and the new stadium. Has anyone seen this show before? Does Sansone do his research and ask pointed questions?

All I know is that the show is only 1 or 2 weeks old. Ill probably be able to watch it so Ill try to give a decent summary.

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quote:Originally posted by canso

"Hey, has the Beast returned?"


Reminds me of the end of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"!

I never left, im a bit more calmer then before but still want changes in Canadian soccer. watch the score for the excuses Thursday night>

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quote:Originally posted by The Beaver

Hey, has the Beast returned? Looks like his usual sloppy sentence construction, not to mention the same ol' Yallop witch-hunting.

Beav, I only post under the Beast label it's a name i like and won't

get rid of it. so don't go after what ever that other person , cause flat out it's not me............Beast.

ps off to watch the score this should be interesting for the future of canadian soccer which ever ways it's headed.

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I love it how Pipe deflected 2 direct questions from Brian Budd about the funding and how the CSA is going to fund the possible MLS teams. He totally went off and started talking about the new stadium and the MLS. Im frustrated listening to the man because he just has no drive in my books.

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The best part of the program was Brian Wilson's interview, especially when he said it was a disgrace the way we tried to qualify for the WC this time, with lack of preparation and failure to stand up to European clubs.

The part with Yallop was just a report were Yallop has given the same mantra he has given since June.

Budd and James went too easy with Pipe, Greg Sansone asked the most direct questions. Pipe's basic schtick was we need new stadias, MLS teams and more USL structure to improve internationally. Only two email questions were asked, the first (from Dave Simpson)about trying to get soccer looked at as serious business as other NAmn sports )Pipe used basic schtick to answer this admitted problem), the second (from Trevor Brooks) asking why we can't follow Australia's Europe base model (Pipe said that would be inefficient use of finances, better to have more develpopment camps in Florida and Canada, and more firendlies at home with CONCACAF opposition).

I'll do a fuller report of the three segments when I have time.

There will be a follow-up to this with Sharman, Budd and James tomorrow (friday) on the Sportsworld program at 5:30 and 7 EST, where more of the email questions will be discussed (Sansone said they were flooded with email from soccer fans).

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