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Bumped into a Canadian Couple this Weekend.


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This explains the heat exhaustion. Also, he tried to combat the heat exhaustion by drinking several bottles of beer. for a more revealing picture, see: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,3-2004541509,00.html

He weighs some "30 stone", whatever that is.

He says that before he gained weight he was a pretty good footballer, so thin they called him "The Whippet". Ah, the pressures of high competition. Well, best of luck to him, he has many health and other problems, and no one deserves ill will.

Does sound like curling, don't it, where some of Canada's best curlers have been denied access to the Olympic team because of shape?

PS: Desigol, were you actually "AT" Purfleet in Surrey to see this (if so, you really get around) or did you mean at a pub telecast of this earthshaking event? Has it defined who you are and irrevocably changed the direction of your life;)?

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