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A 1 hour Voyageurs TV show. How much moolaa?


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Well, a tv show would be very hard to do.... you need, money, a studio and some talent :)

I know there is alot of **** on tv, but canadian soccer wont get on.

On another note, i have been in the process of making a documentary on my life as a canadian soccer fan. Its going to focus on me, the ultras and all the crazyness i go through for canadian soccer.

Ya, ya i know most people on this board know me as a lil ****. But i wil ltell you this, once i get the ball rolling with video footage, it will be a good watch.

BTW, im not just an idiot with a camera, im taking film and television in school :)

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

I want to know who greenlighted that Italian fans show on TLN. What a snooze-fest that piece of **** is.

I think it has something to do with the CRTC requirements of having a certain number of Canadian produced shows (other than informercials) on Canadian channels. Think SCTV's "Great White North" segments' reason for being created.

"Co-ou-cou-cou-cou-cou-cou![:o)]Okay then. Today's topic is Hoovay's great start to Serie Ahh's seizin', eh!"

"Take off hoser! Hinter's gonna roole, eh!"

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quote:Originally posted by SABuffalo786

You might be able to do something on Cable Access somewhere, but I'm thinking TSN or Rogers Sportsnet will just burst out laughing if you contact them.

With all the reality TV that's around these days, an hour a week of eccentric Voyageurs should generate enough sponsorship dollars to make this viable.

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a canadian soccer internet radio show is to be launched in february 2005.it will focus on the mens national program(s)overseas canadian pro's and the A-league.there will be more details available in about 30 days from now.it will be a weekly show and have a phone in segment with live guests.

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quote:Originally posted by SeanKeay

Well, a tv show would be very hard to do.... you need, money, a studio and some talent :)

I know there is alot of **** on tv, but canadian soccer wont get on.

On another note, i have been in the process of making a documentary on my life as a canadian soccer fan. Its going to focus on me, the ultras and all the crazyness i go through for canadian soccer.

Ya, ya i know most people on this board know me as a lil ****. But i wil ltell you this, once i get the ball rolling with video footage, it will be a good watch.

BTW, im not just an idiot with a camera, im taking film and television in school :)

Can I be the guy that hires your back-up dancers?

But seriously, if I can help let me know. Man, you missed a lot of footage this past year.

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quote:Originally posted by snake

a canadian soccer internet radio show is to be launched in february 2005.it will focus on the mens national program(s)overseas canadian pro's and the A-league.there will be more details available in about 30 days from now.it will be a weekly show and have a phone in segment with live guests.


Cool. Inside scoop.

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Hey, how about a domestic Voyageur version of Spike's XMC?

It would be a real ratings grabber and we could slip in footie discussions during the show. Thus influencing an unsuspecting public with a subliminal soccer message.

Our 1st broadcast could pit the CSA Hacks vs Yallop's Hasbeens.

Captain "Cheeta" would of course lead the contestat prep-talk.

Cpt. Cheeta

"Who here believes the future of Canadian football is well represented by our soccer intellectual elite and it's only a matter of time before Canadian football demonstrates it's regional superiority despite the illegal conspiring efforts of our rivals. Show of hands. NOW!"

CSA Hacks & Yallop's Hasbeens.


Cpt. Cheeta.

"Well you're wrong! Canadian football at the higher levels is mis-run by a bunch of entrenched self-perpetuating, half witted, intellectual special olympians who's only goal is to somehow remain employed outside of Walmart or private security firms. And they achieve this by playing on the fears and desperate hopes of Canada's torturously neglected professional footballers. LET'S GO"

Oblivious CSA Hacks & Yallop's Hasbeens.


Later,,, during Brass Balls....

Cpt. Cheeta.

"Get it on!"

Pat Onstad

"My parent's never married!!!"

Vic Gian Luca.

"Well Ken, let's hope Yallop's Hasbeens fair a little better than they have been in Brass Balls now that Pat Onstad is on the catwalk."

Ken Beachesl.

"If we can ever get starter. Onstad's dropped another brass ball! That's the third one. This guy couldn't catch aides in a San Francisco brothel!"

Vic Gian Luca.

"Right you are, Ken. But it looks like Cpt. Cheeta's managed to launch a brass ball so as to get lodged under Onstad's left pant leg and we're off."

Ken Beachesl.

"OH! Onstad's taking a greater beating to the head and face than your 1st wife got after she caught you with her one legged step mother in that hotel room in Niagra Falls! How much more can he take!"

Vic Gian Luca.

"I don't know, Ken! But there's another one! It almost looks like he's enjoying himself out there!"

Ken Beachesl.

"Little wonder since during World Cup Qualifying he couldn't stop a 1 liter flush toilet with a diet of sunflower seeds and celery."

Vic Gian Luca.

"Nice mental image, Ken."

Ken Beachesl.

"OH! And he's down! After repeated blows to the face a ball in the buttocks proves Onstad's undoing!"

Vic Gian Luca.

"Right you are again, Ken. Onstad's shown he can take the facial's but a shot to the backside is one shot too far."

Later in the show....

Vic Gian Luca.

"Well that's today's show, folks. Hope you join us for our next episode of XMC. And remember.."

Vic Gian Luca, Ken Beachesl, Cpt. Cheeta, Guy LaArg1, and the other cast together.


Vic Gian Luca.


Yallop's Hasbeens?

CSA Hacks?

Don't you want to join the cheer?"

*nervous looks*

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I may be a little out of date but I used to work for SCTV (Stettler Community Television). I did a little bit of acting work in the early 90's and I did a fair bit of work for the Red Deer Community Access channel. With enough volunteer support, initiative, and vision you could put together a program that could play on the community cable network. There is a small TV station manager dreaming about hearing from a group like us. (I bet Hamilton CHCH(i think) made a gazillion dollars from starting Red Green)

If you guys wanna be on TSN or something, don't even dream about it, until you have 6 solid programs in the can. Start small, think big. All artists sound pretentious, but I actually have some projects in developement, and not for my bad luck, I was scheduled to shoot a pilot this week.

I will also help out in any way I can, and maybe a hip Moses Znaimer style correspondant driven program would be the best beginning and not the PC approach of the shows on now. Lots of groups contributing 7-12 minute segments would be my approach. The hardest job would be the editor, so we would have to look outside of the group for that job.

Seriously, if you guy want to build something, I will lend my help and experience.

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