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Canadian's abroad ......where you'd never expect!!


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I think we should play thoses 2 guys in one of or 3 last WCQ games because I'm afraid Turk and Caicos will cap those 2 guys ;)....

If they are already capped with T and C, the CSA should put a lot of money lobbying to the government for the annexion of T and C so we can get those 2 Owen Hargreaves back............

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quote:Originally posted by Loud Mouth Soup

Someone get marcl_19 a bong hit, he needs to relax and see the humour. ;)

Okay, I got my bong--his name is Trevor (don't ask)--but I can't find Marcel. Marcel, dude, where the hell is Port T.?? Is it even close to Vancouver? Any chance you could pop over to my place? I got some nice BC Bud. (hell, pretty soon you'll be able to buy it at your local corner store. just when Quebec thought they were so cool with beer and wine in their depaneurs (sorry if I spelled that incorrectly--it has been a long time since I was in la belle province) Pot is good. I think SoccerBeast and Elricko and Luis would feel much better about themselves--and the whole frickin world--if they took a hit of reality with a nice puff of Skunk.-- Hey, I'll hook you guys up if you want [^]

To the cops, I deny everything. :D

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Completely off topic, but strangely reminds me of something....

Toothless Cat

"Hey! You! Come here. Yer mum tells me you were out late last night with that girl a-gin."



Toothless Cat

"Yeah, right. Not you! Yer brother there. The one with the stupid look on. Leopard, come here."


"Uh. It's Cheeta, Daaad. Leopard ran away again last night. And what are you doing home? Holy Christ, is it midnight already?"

Toothless Cat.

"Leopard, Cheeta, Kitten, WHATEVER!!! Anyway, you got yer Mum worried about this "facts of life" nonscence. What grade you in?"


"Don't know. Seven I think."

Toothless Cat.

"Seven? No ****? Well that's a load off my mind. School grounds should have the birds and bees bit covered by now but what else is there? Oh, yeah!

Well, errrr Son. Yeah. Son. There's more to the facts of life than just the birds and bees, eh? Some of what you've picked up on the school grounds with your hoodlum friends is true, and some crap I'm sure but you'll figure that out as you're going along. But, there's three lessons you must always keep in mind as they're what you'd call u-knee-ver-sal trooots."


"Hoodlum friends is right! They painted weenies all over the community club and then filled Mr. Mason's truck cab with ripped open bags of garbage from that ladys trailor across the street. And her garbage is full of nothing but dirty diapers!!! She' got three month old twins!!!!"


"Shut your gab you little fu'k while you still got teeth in it!!!"


run, run, run,


slam. lock.

Toothless Cat.

"Oy.... Alright. Back to the facts of life already. NUMBER ONE. Being with a women is like skydiving. Never jump without a shoot."



Toothless Cat.

"NUMBER TWO. Don't let your dick rule your life. And finaly, NUMBER THREE. Never trust no man who dosen't have a women. Freshsteh?"


"Dick,,, ruling life. No women. No trust? Aren't these kinda opposed objectives here?"

Toothless Cat.

"And oh yeah. Think I can let you in on facts of life lesson number four."


"Dick? Women??? No-trust??? No-rule life??? What? FOUR!!!"

Toothless Cat.

"Yeah. Four.

Don't drink the bong water...."

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Marc L, not Marcel--thanks for the clarification. (Hey, what does the "L" stand for? We might be related. And yes, next time you are on the other coast, make sure you let me know.[^]

Hey Cheeta, rule number 4 is damned critical. My little brother--who ain't so little at 230 pounds, 25 years old--was dared to drink the bong water once, and being half-cooked already, he said "Fill me up!!"

so he downed the murky water and was stoned and all trippy well into the next morning. His advice: "Never drink the bong water."

And you don't need to be a cat to understand that.


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