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This goes out to all the ignorant posters out there and has nothing to do with the rest of the people in the forum who have been great and shown a lot of class...

Ok so I was new here, came in a couple of days ago..eventhough I understand the feeling, I have had to bite my tongue as i've been reading some people posting crap describing my country and people as:

Greasy, bitches, f****** country , f****** third world country and a lot more...things that have nothing to do with football

So that some people understand, Honduras has no pull in CONCACAF and we know exactly how it feels to get shafted..which is even worst for us because football is a religion back home...it was a ****ty call and Canada deserved to win, but what I read contained other **** beyond football with racial and ethnic undertones..

anyway some of you guys have posted things that show how you really feel about us in the "third world" which is all good cause everybody is entitled to their opinion, but by calling us greasy and third world and so forth you are just contributing to a problem that you are always complaning about:

why immigrants from these countries and their decendants cheer for their country of origin and not for Canada...cause its people like you, the ignorant ones, that let us know exactly were we stand...sorta like the "Ben Johnson thing" which was that when he was winning he was the good old Canadian boy, but when he skrewed up he was that f****** Jamaican...

Anyway, I dont want to make this long so..thank you very much to all those Voyageurs who welcomed me and who exchanged excellent ideas with me...you guys are great. Hope Canada gets what they deserve which is a trip to the Hex...Take care, see u in the Hex

Viva Canada !!...Viva Honduras!!

LILLOCO signing off...

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Funny trait in Canada. We'll hook, hold, trip, and interfere. On the ice, on the pitch, where ever. But we'll admit we're cheating and take our lumps if we're caught. Just something unmanly and grating about faking injury to highlight a meaningless infraction or non-infraction in order to cheat.

I guess it's mostly because it's consiquence free. You'll not get sent to the box for hooking. Nobody will get the chance to clean your clock at the next whistle as if you're a Stick Boy. FIFA won't pull up the video of you blatantly trying to make the ref look an ass and suspend you.

The only reprocussions are the attack on your reputation by the enemy supports. And since your own supports will love you for doing it who cares?

All part of the Beautiful Game.


Anyway. Good post. Well said. Hope I didn't offend you by calling your drama queens diving bitchs. If I did. Tough. They are. They ruined a very good match with the ref's help and do Honduras and themselves no honour.

Hope you stop in again from time to time.


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Yeah, I agree, that was a good post and you show a lot of class compared to that Guatemala puke from the last game who couldn't stop posting retarded GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA crap.

Im sorry My third world countries post and other posts upset you. I was drunk and didn't mean to berate other people. You are a class person and I hope you come back and post in the future!

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quote:Originally posted by kokanne

Yeah, I agree, that was a good post and you show a lot of class compared to that Guatemala puke from the last game who couldn't stop posting retarded GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA crap.

Im sorry My third world countries post and other posts upset you. I was drunk and didn't mean to berate other people. You are a class person and I hope you come back and post in the future!

yea i remember him
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quote:Originally posted by Lilloco

why immigrants from these countries and their decendants cheer for their country of origin and not for Canada...cause its people like you, the ignorant ones, that let us know exactly were we stand...sorta like the "Ben Johnson thing" which was that when he was winning he was the good old Canadian boy, but when he skrewed up he was that f****** Jamaican...

I thought it was to preserve the stories and heros of your country's past?

Honestly though, I don't buy this excuse. It sounds like something many separatists do. They wait for an English Canadian to show even the smallest sign of insensitivity and lack of understanding, and then jump on it, shouting "You see! You see! *This* is why we want to leave!" It's a poor ploy to attract sympathy, and that's exactly how it comes off.

I'm sorry if you were offended by a few comments made in the heat of the moment. I too detest the colonial like arrogance some Canadians tend to reflect when they go on about the (alledged)underdevelopment of other nations. But the fact is, if you let those very few comments, from those very few posters/Canadians, effect your judgement and how you perceive Canada, then that's no one's fault but your own.

Nothing is ever across the board - that includes nations. You're always going to have a few bad apples (and often, those apples aren't really bad, but just a bit moody after watching their soccer team get screwed out World Cup qualification :) ). It's a sign of tolerance and intelligence (too very Canadian traits), though, to not react upon those bad apples and even worse, generalize from them.

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i have been dying to ask Lilloco.

(these questions are with sincerity, not sarcasm)

Have you ever even been to Honduras (let alone lived there)? Do you live in Canada? How much of your life to do you have to thank Canada for? My guess, if you live here, is EVERYTHING.

My dad was born in Germany and my life is FULL of German traditions, yet you will NEVER find me cheering for Germany over Canada. It just dumbfounds me how Latin Americans cheer against the country they owe all of their thanks too and cheer for a country that they most likely fled because it treated them so poorly.

to Dante79: I would absolutely, unequivocally NOT have been happy if the reverse happened in the Canadians favour. Also, if any of our players play-acted in that fashion I would ask the CSA to say "thanks, but no thanks, we would prefer it if you didn't come back and play for us."

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quote:Originally posted by JayWay

why immigrants from these countries and their decendants cheer for their country of origin and not for Canada...cause its people like you, the ignorant ones, that let us know exactly were we stand...sorta like the "Ben Johnson thing" which was that when he was winning he was the good old Canadian boy, but when he skrewed up he was that f****** Jamaican...

Ben Johnson puched every one of us in the gut with what he did. It didn't matter what your background is.

My problem is with fans who cheer for other countries when they don't have a clear connection to it.

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Hi Lilloco:

I enjoyed reading your informed posts about the Honduran team and I really thought that you displayed incredible tolerance and patience in dealing with some of the posts made following the game. Some posts definitely crossed the line.

Your presence here was positive for me, and I hope you come back prior to the next match between Canada and Honduras.


quote:Originally posted by Lilloco

This goes out to all the ignorant posters out there and has nothing to do with the rest of the people in the forum who have been great and shown a lot of class...

Ok so I was new here, came in a couple of days ago..eventhough I understand the feeling, I have had to bite my tongue as i've been reading some people posting crap describing my country and people as:

Greasy, bitches, f****** country , f****** third world country and a lot more...things that have nothing to do with football

So that some people understand, Honduras has no pull in CONCACAF and we know exactly how it feels to get shafted..which is even worst for us because football is a religion back home...it was a ****ty call and Canada deserved to win, but what I read contained other **** beyond football with racial and ethnic undertones..

anyway some of you guys have posted things that show how you really feel about us in the "third world" which is all good cause everybody is entitled to their opinion, but by calling us greasy and third world and so forth you are just contributing to a problem that you are always complaning about:

why immigrants from these countries and their decendants cheer for their country of origin and not for Canada...cause its people like you, the ignorant ones, that let us know exactly were we stand...sorta like the "Ben Johnson thing" which was that when he was winning he was the good old Canadian boy, but when he skrewed up he was that f****** Jamaican...

Anyway, I dont want to make this long so..thank you very much to all those Voyageurs who welcomed me and who exchanged excellent ideas with me...you guys are great. Hope Canada gets what they deserve which is a trip to the Hex...Take care, see u in the Hex

Viva Canada !!...Viva Honduras!!

LILLOCO signing off...

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quote:Originally posted by Lilloco

Ok so I was new here, came in a couple of days ago..eventhough I understand the feeling, I have had to bite my tongue as i've been reading some people posting crap describing my country and people as:

Greasy, bitches, f****** country , f****** third world country and a lot more...things that have nothing to do with football

Speaking as a regular poster, I completely agree with you. I had to stop reading most of the forum because of stuff like this (not to mention all the whining and other silliness).

Speaking as a moderator, this kind of stuff should be deleted, and normally would be as soon as we see it. However, right after the match, it was impossible to do this because of all the activity. It was very difficult for me to even access the forum because the server could not handle all the traffic. All I can do is ask that people try to keep their emotions in check and not post stuff like that.

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why immigrants from these countries and their decendants cheer for their country of origin and not for Canada...cause its people like you, the ignorant ones, that let us know exactly were we stand...sorta like the "Ben Johnson thing" which was that when he was winning he was the good old Canadian boy, but when he skrewed up he was that f****** Jamaican...


Lilloco, good man. I, too, am sorry if any of us have offended you and any other solid Honduran individuals. Racial slurs are certainly not called for, though you must admit that the antics that led to the two shi.te calls were not ONLY the refs fault. Diving and faking are not respected in our culture--not in hockey, not in soccer--and we see it as a form of classless cheating. A good deal of the racial anger stemmed from a reaction to these antics by the two Hondurans. Still, racial slurs and obscenities are not warranted at all.

As for your comment above, that latinos and other immigrants do not cheer for Canada because of our behavior and attitudes, all I can say is "Give me a frickin break." You don't cheer for Canada because you choose to cheer for your home country, or because you think Canada sucks or for reasons that have nothing to do with the behaviors of the much ignored and tiny Canadian fan base that spews racial slurs here and there. Be honest. I know you are mad--and you should be--but do not offer bull**** analysis when you know that it is clearly false.

On that note, if you are in the Vancouver area October 13, bring a bunch of your Honduran and non-Honduran fans out to Swangard and drink with us and sing with us and scream at the ref while we take on the stinking Ticos. Wear some red if you are Canadian!! Hell, I'll buy you a beer. It is totally possible and good to cheer for the country you were born in and the country that you now live in. It often feels like a slap in the face to us when immigrants come to Canada to enjoy the rights, freedoms and benefits of our country, but never cheer for our country. We could have a great party if all you guys from Honduras and Guatamala and Jamaica and Mexico etc etc, came out and cheered for Canada. Hell, even if you are a Tico and want to cheer for Canada, come on out. Nazz may still be able to hook you up with tickets.

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yeah, unfortunately, when emotions boil, a lot of crap happens. At the end of the day, it's a game and dragging down a whole nation with it is uncalled for. There is always a claim to righteousness by someone somewhere and there is always all kinds of stupid bickering. Just cheer the team you like or you feel attached to and stop the rest. I think some of the provokation by Honduran fans at Commonwealth was uncalled for and so was some of the stuff over here on this board.

At the same time, we should also bear in mind, that is has taken some 8 years of efforts by a wide range of people, for this online movement of soccer fans in Canada to get this far. We have managed to bring in some vocal fans who don't mind to cheer on at the stadium and some quieter ones, some on the left and some on the right and others on center, some with strong opinions and others with more flexibility, to form a core that is a prime source of information and support for Canadian soccer. It has been the spirit of inclusion that has helped this thing grow out of nothing despite continuous setbacks in Canadian soccer scene, lack of a proper national soccer league and the many other challenges that soccer faces up here. And hopefully, we can remain to be an organization that draws a diverse range of people and continue to build a core that will a backbone to Canadian soccer.

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quote:Originally posted by Reza

yeah, unfortunately, when emotions boil, a lot of crap happens. At the end of the day, it's a game and dragging down a whole nation with it is uncalled for. There is always a claim to righteousness by someone somewhere and there is always all kinds of stupid bickering. Just cheer the team you like or you feel attached to and stop the rest. I think some of the provokation by Honduran fans at Commonwealth was uncalled for and so was some of the stuff over here on this board.

At the same time, we should also bear in mind, that is has taken some 8 years of efforts by a wide range of people, for this online movement of soccer fans in Canada to get this far. We have managed to bring in some vocal fans who don't mind to cheer on at the stadium and some quieter ones, some on the left and some on the right and others on center, some with strong opinions and others with more flexibility, to form a core that is a prime source of information and support for Canadian soccer. It has been the spirit of inclusion that has helped this thing grow out of nothing despite continuous setbacks in Canadian soccer scene, lack of a proper national soccer league and the many other challenges that soccer faces up here. And hopefully, we can remain to be an organization that draws a diverse range of people and continue to build a core that will a backbone to Canadian soccer.

Yes, well in laddie!! And like I said above, we'd love for all Canadians to come out and cheer for us against Costa Rica in October. Put on your red and white, grab your beer-money, honey your singing voice, and get your tickets. We'll link arms with our Honduran-Canadian brothers and sisters, and the Guats and anybody else and have a great massive party. We'll understand if you will cheer for Honduras over Canada, fair enough, but come out and sing with us when we play the other teams!!

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quote:Originally posted by Reza

BTW, Beaver, where were yo on Sat? Didn't get to meet you but it sounds like you were there somewhere..

Sorry, like Gordon I didn't get to introduce myself to everyone. I was in row 2, seats 6 or 7--though I didn't sit for a minute. I was the tallish white dude--6 feet--with glasses and a red Canada jersey. I fully regret not properly meeting more of you guys. To be honest, I was pretty focussed on the game. I could barely drink my beer.

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