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Polish-Canadian Gk in Romania


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I got this info from the polishsoccer.com forum that I'm part of. Some guy was browsing and stumble upon this on a romanian soccer site. No link but I'll ask him to post one. Here is what he wrote

Polish Canadian goalkeeper Richard Urbanczyk has a confirmed trial with Steaua Bucharest in Romania. The report came off their website. The club reports the trial will be around mid-December.

Nice to see Canadians playing abroad.

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hahah a great side like Stuea:) He has not played for teh Polish NT 100% he is a Polish-Canadian therefore he lives here and I'm sure he feels as much Polish as he does Canadian. I think its to quick to say whethere he will be good but its not a bad idea to keep an eye out for him in Romania. If he get regular team football you never know afterll Stuea is in teh Uefa cup year after year, and if he turns out like the last Polish-Canadian :) GREAT!!!!!!

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Luis Rancaguas are multiplying.

Funny thing happened on the way to the WCQ last Wednesday. While heading towards the skytrain station there was a bunch of newspaper boxes with community newspapers in them. On the front of one paper was a phtoto of a kid about 5 or 6 years old posing in his soccer gear. I immediatley pointed towards the paper and and said to one southsider "I wonder if Luis Rancagua has contacted the CSA about this player?" followed by hearty laughs all around.

Okay sorry, you had to be there.

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