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Montreal draws 9,128 in Sherbrooke


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quote:Originally posted by G-Man

a photo of the big event...


and the feild looks in much better shape than Swangards...

Maybe...just maybe some people at the CSA don't want to see games held in this part of the country, and give reasons like pitch quality, for us to say...ohhh that's right!

My Cynical Moment.

And about the distance between Sherbrooke and Mtl. It's about 150 km. Approx. 2hrs away when you calculate the traffic, etc. by car

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I was at this game and here's my personal report.

The Good:

Wow. Nice to see 9000+ at an A-League game in Canada for once. I've never seen the Impact play at CCR, so I was impressed at the 400m stream of people walking into the stadium a good hour before the game. We arrived at about 3:15 (kick-off at 4:00pm) and had a hard time getting seats. People friggin' loved the Impact...it was like Guy Lafleur had just showed up and he was giving away free Mae West pastries. People were pushing and shoving to get in; running to seats; arguments abounding. Bizarre! Nice turnout and generally good-natured event. Stadium: Good pitch, great facility, nice location. Kicks Centennial's behind by 5000%. Bigger than Swangard with the temp seating (where I was). This would be a GREAT A-League stadium if the city could ever support it. The main stand is covered with nice seats. The only drawback is that much of the other seating is a ways off the pitch - but for smaller crowds it would be great. Good score screen, good-ish announcing and six-packs at your seat. :) Oh yeah, no football lines either. I was suprised, but discovered that the U de S men's and women's soccer teams play here too. Season tickets to the University Men's Soccer season: $15. The Impact had a little kiosk for selling shirts, etc...I saw a few people with new gear and the announcer reminded everyone they could buy stuff every 15 minutes. They did a gret job in the capitalist pig dept, I must say. Even the mascot was better than Toronto. Geez, the Lynxer looks like a costume that was bought used from a teenage crack shelter compared to the Youpi-esque Tac Tic. It's obvious that the Impact have cash. Saputo, HydroQuebec & the Province are all behind (read: bankrolling) them. The Lynx have who? Me, Oakville Nissan, GL and maybe the back-up 'Keeper's Mom if Coronation Street isn't on.

The Bad:

Holy ticketing chaos. Reserved tickets were available, apparently, for the nice stand. Seats were empty there during the game and I'm sure we could have bought them prior to kickoff if we'd only been told there was a more expensive option. We were only offered 1 price and 1 ticket...and me being used to Toronto, I never thought anything of it. Damn. Never mind this, but most of the UN-RESERVED seats were bought in blocks by local soccer clubs (read: small annoying kids). The so-called un-reserved seats were actually reserved by blocks...and guarded by Impact employees or Uni staff. I was bewildered. I tried to get a seat in the unreserved stands and was asked if I was a member of the club from Bromptonville. Not being 8 years old, I said no and was directed to some really sh**ty temporary seats that were available but still resevred by another club. Huh? Let me tell you this, chums, School Day doesn't only happen in Toronto. The only reason this game got 9128 attendees is because the club sold most of those in blocks of unreserved tickets to local youth "babysitting" clubs, afterwhich they denied access to actually anybody else. Impact staff explained to me that each section of the stadium had a club's name above it (which it did) to direct the kids and parents to their proper seating arrangements. This was not 9000 soccer people showing up to watch soccer, this was a bunch of youth teams showing up to have something to do on a Sunday afternoon. I still cannot believe that I was denied access to GA seats with a GA ticket by the Impact staff and am still considering writing a letter to the club to let them know what happened. Never mind this, many people were incorrectly issued children's tickets and were then turned away by gate staff. Security was hilarious, with Uni staff in Uni colours standing with backs to the game - watching intently to see if any 7 year olds were about to start some kind of killer machete riot, or perhaps smoke some smuggled-in crack that had not been purchased at the stadium Budweiser kiosk. The ref was a total idiot, and has been reported. I didn't see the now infamous incident in question, probably because I was trying to not get kicked in the balls by some serious ADD kids surrounding me (seriously). Anyway, he had to get rescued by the linesmen after the 1st half or a couple Atlanta players were justifiably gonna kill him. I had a hard time explaining some of the finer points of soccer regulations to my father because the ref would miss things so blindingly obvious that there became no point. The A-League had better do something about it's officiating or many people will never take it seriously. It's just plain abysmal.

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The commentator mentioned that the crowd was not into the game. I really wonder, marketing to all these kids that don't pay attention if it ever pays off. Sure the team can brag about 9,000+ per game, but if they aren't paying attention or are behind the team whats the point?

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quote:Originally posted by Krammerhead

The commentator mentioned that the crowd was not into the game. I really wonder, marketing to all these kids that don't pay attention if it ever pays off. Sure the team can brag about 9,000+ per game, but if they aren't paying attention or are behind the team whats the point?

The mascot was really the only reason three was any noise in the stands. That guy/girl did a great job of getting some cheers and claps going. Some of the kids did sing some songs/cheers...but really, how much noise can 18 seven years olds make at a time?

The make-up of the crowd is really the reason why an A-League franchise wouldn't work in Sherbrooke. The attendance is a little misleading. That being said, it's a great once-a-year event for city.

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quote:Originally posted by François

If you thought the referee was bad, we had some 10 times as bad as that one in Montreal this year.

It happens everywhere, really. I shouldn't single out this game as being the worst, nor should I imply that it somehow reflects on the Impact.

Can you imagine this amount of amazingly bad calls combined with the rampant tabloid sports journalism such as Britain's? Revolution!

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