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A journey to the Land of Bananas

Guest Dave

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Did anyone else watch History Channel last night? They showed some jingoistic American propaganda film about Guatemala from the early 50's. It was produced by the United Fruit Company (thry owned half of Guate, maybe still do) and was titled "the Land of Bananas".

Normally I'd be disgusted by this sort of pedantic tripe, but in my current frame of mind I found it hilarious and cathartic.

Little Johnnie Whitebread: "Gee Dad, where do bananas come from?"

Ozzie Nelson look-alike: "Why, they're picked by our little friends in Middle America". Switch scene to Pancho in his oversized sombrero, a six foot bunch of bananas slung over his shoulder, Harry Belafante's "Banana Boat Song" playing in the background...

I was literally on the floor laughing. Like I said, cathartic. And sad...

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