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The future of A-League in Edmonton

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In the latest article on Canoe.ca of August 6 2004, A-League President Dave Askinas said that he remains hopeful of soccer's future in Edmonton. He also went on to say: "...we've had a couple of calls on the men's team from people we think are expressing a legitimate interest. We're looking for someone who will be able to run a team much more efficiently..." This is despite the fact of the Aviators debt being over $600,000. This is indeed an indication that who ever buys the men's Aviators the team is expected to have a name change. Let's hope that there' any truth to this. I will hate to see Edmonton without an A-League presence.

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I am not sure who those folks are who apparently have called the A-League offices "tire kicking" in expressing an interest in the Men's team. I hope the rumours are correct but I doubt them very much.

Would not be as surprised to see some community interest in the women's side but that is an entirely different proposition.

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