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Porto/Liverpool, Roma/Celtic in Toronto


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quote:Originally posted by porto97


I was wondering, if one was coming to town to watch these games, what if any, good hotels can be found in the city. Affordable, of course.

Any advice is most appreciated.


For starters you can look at a recent thread that discusses (to some extent) Toronto hotels :


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Heads up to out-of-towners: that will be Caribana weekend in Toronto.

What does that mean? a few hundred thousand more tourists than usual, major road closings, and a lot fewer hotel rooms available. So if you're planning to go, book your hotel ASAP, and get one as close as possible to SkyDome.

As if that weren't enough, the Vince Carter Charity All-Star game (20,000 tix already sold) will be going on about 2 blocks away at the same time as the Roma-Celtic match. Not only will this make finding parking more difficult but it it will probably fragment the mainstream sports media's attention. ChampionsWorld bringing games to Canada are a big deal, I hope they get the coverage it deserves. I

Ah well, the games should be good nonetheless. That is, IF one can get down there.

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Guest Jeffery S.
quote:Originally posted by Jarrek

Too bad public transportation is nearly a foreign concept in Toronto.

??? Toronto has one of the best Public Transportation systems in Canada and North America.

Please explain.

That is what Torontonians always say. But anyone who has been to any similar sized city in the world will think as I do, that it is absolutely terrible, at least 20 years behind in capital investment and strategic planning. I think it is slightly better than Rome, and at least Rome has the excuse of ruins underground.

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