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T.V. Canadian Soccer Documentary

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Guys, this afternoon, the Toronto Italian television network had a 2 hour documentary on the history of Canadian pro soccer. The documentary covered almost everything from the the 50's, 60's, NASL, even the era of the CSL and CNSL. The documentary talked about the power struggle between the CSL and CNSL. The documentary concluded with a huge question mark (?). Where does Canadian soccer goes from here: A-League, CUSL or MLS??? This documentary also included interviews with folks from the past: Bruce Wilson, Tony Waiters, Dale Barnes, Mario Bartelomeo, Rocco LoFranco, Paul James, Bobby Lenarduzzi, etc... This was an excellent documentary. Too bad it was not in English. I give enormous credit to the Canadian Italians for such a fabulous 2 hour show. I wish we could have this documentary translated in English. After the documentary was finished, I am now in favour of the CUSL.

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