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Carl Fletcher to work on Euro 2004 telecast

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I just caught sports desk's promo for the Euro 2004 broadcasts. They announced that they will have a preview show on June 7th that will be hosted by Vic Rauter, Dick Howard and Carl Fletcher. I am looking forward to see a new face on telecasts. To be honnest I am tired of Dick Howard. He just refuses at all costs to " tell it like is Is" and its has gotten very boring and Bland listening to his commentary. Just once I'd like to hear him say something like: "The ref blew that call"; "XXXXX is not playing up to par" instead of always playing safe in trying to please everybody and saying that everybody is a "Great Player". Why not tell what makes that certain player "Great"? or who is having a poor game. Plus he tends to repeat himself and it really shows how telecasts and commentary suffer when you have someone who so attached to the establishment ( ie.: FIFA)in that commentary and oppinions suffer and very often they are needed. When you have the credential in soccer of a Dick Howard, his views would be very welcomed and would not offend many people.

Looking forward to Carl Fletcher. Hopefully he will add something to the broadcasts similar to what Jason De Vos did? rememeber what Devos said about Roy Keane?

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Surprised no one's mentioned Keane's back in with Ireland as apparently things are back up to his minimal acceptable standard.

And yeah, maybe Fletcher can prod something a little more out of Howard. Howard's got the goods and if he'd quite trying to play nice politic all the time I think he could be a grand commentator. Very curious to see how it turns out.

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quote:Originally posted by Gian-Luca

Has Carl retired then? As this is in the middle of the soccer season here & he's not playing for the Lynx in Toronto, I can only assume that he's not playing anywhere this summer.

Must be... I never thought about the fact that being an a-leaguer would make unable to do this job given that they are in mid season. So I guess he must be retired.

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