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Where are the french posters ?

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Well, there isn't much to talk about on the National Team front and there's no Canuck playing in France (one in Belgium). People might come here during WCQ, but for now the Montréal contingent are on their own boards.

The thing is all the French speakers are bilingual so they'll just participate to the conversations here in English instead of limiting themselves.

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Je viens chaque soir sur le forum mais j'ai rarement le temps d'écrire. Pour ce qui de la section francophone il n'y a pas beaucoup de message en effet, c'est un peu la raison. Et comme dit Daniel nous sommes pour le plupart a l'aise en anglais alors...

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No, do NOT take out the French forum. Il est important que les deux langues officielles soient représentée sur ce site.

It's important for French Canadians, like myself, to feel they are entitled to a voice in the Canadian soccer debate.

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