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Voyageur Media Award

The Ref

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Following the idea of our Voyageur Cup I propose we institute a Voyageur Media Award, which could be a plaque or something similar. This to be awarded annually to the media who provided the best soccer coverage for our National teams and national soccer events and news. It could go to a newspaper, a radio, a television station, etc. It will serve to recognize those who do a bit more for our soccer programs and at the same time be a positive reinforcement for even better coverage in the future. It may as well encourage others to improve themselves.

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Further to the idea, I agree that there isn't much of TV stations or radio for that matter. Newspapers will win hands down at this present day and age. But it ought to be clear that the award is for all media, so maybe one day the tv and radio industry will make an effort beyond the little to nothing they do now. Surely Sportsnet is far better now than what it used to be, but when it take an email campaign to get to show a game is a bit too much. I am not sure how it can be voted on, but judging by the number of articles as posted here and coming from certain newspapers would be a good indicator. Maybe instead of the Voyageur Media Award, it could be the Voyageur Journalism Award??

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