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Kevin Harmse and Sita Taty-Matondo


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This according to Neil Davidson:

Notes: MacLean says an MLS team and a couple of Swedish clubs are interested in Vancouver defender Kevin Harmse, also a member of the under-20 national team. He was with Tromso in Norway most recently. Another MacLean client, forward Sita Taty-Matondo, also has some MLS interest. ... Two Canadians will be at the MLS combine Jan.11-13 in Carson, Calif.: Marin Pusek of the University of Alabama-Birmingham and Adrian Cann of the University of Louisville. Pusek was drafted by the Toronto Lynx in the recent A-League college draft while Montreal took Cann. Both went in the first round.

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great new for them. the WYC realy seemed to help out a lot of the canadian players. lets hope all goes well for both of them and all the other players who are getting looked at by top clubs. Nothing about Josh Simpson though, he should leave school soon if he wants to make it big. thought?

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Guys, this article is straight from Tromso's Website. It appears to be news on Kevin Harmse. It also mentions Matondo's name on this article. I can't understand what they are really saying. Perhaps Tromso is also interested in Matondo, aside from MLS. Can someone please translate this article for me???


Snipp,snapp,snute,så var Kevin og Canada ute

Publisert av Tore Rismo den 13.12.2003 10:12:34

Canada tapte som ventet kvartfinalekampen mot Spania i U-20-VM i Abu Dhabi. Men kampen ble mye jevnere og mer spennende enn forventet, og ble avgjort på såkalt "golden goal" fem minutter før slutt. På stillinga 1-1 hadde canadierne en eventyrlig mulighet til å lage seiersmålet, men spissen blåste ballen over på helt blankt mål.

Patricc Mørk har fulgt kampene i Gulfen, dels via TV og dels via samtaler med de utallige klubbrepresentantene som har fulgt mesterskapet på nært hold. Han er full av lovord om dette canadiske kullet:

- Det er ingen tvil om at Canada har en meget sterk årgang her. De har spilt seg stadig sterkere gjennom turneringa, og taper altså med minst mulig margin mot et av europas aller beste landslag.

- Jeg har fått gode rapporter på Kevin og hans spill. I går var han tydelig hemmet av en skade, og måtte forlate banen like før pause. Men i kampene tidligere i turneringa har han imponert kraftig, og trekkes ofte fram som en av bærebjelkene i dette laget.

- Sita Taty Matondo har hatt en litt mer joker-rolle. Kommet innpå av og til, og vært innblandet i de fleste sjansene som laget har skapt. Han er tydeligvis mye sterkere enn når han var i Tromsø, og betegnes som en av de aller raskeste spillerne i hele turneringa.

Når det gjelder Kevin, og hans forhold til TIL, så medfører det riktighet at han pr dato ikke har noen avtale med TIL. Opsjonen på to års forlenging ble ikke benyttet, ut i fra nedbemanningsprosessen og den forpliktelse man føler for de spillerne som er inne i kontrakter. Dette innebærer at Kevin først kan bli aktuell i det øyeblikk man er kommet ned i den stallstørrelse man ønsker.

Du finner mer om kampen på www.canadasoccer.com

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quote:Originally posted by Luis_Rancagua

Guys, this article is straight from Tromso's Website. It appears to be news on Kevin Harmse. It also mentions Matondo's name on this article. I can't understand what they are really saying. Perhaps Tromso is also interested in Matondo, aside from MLS. Can someone please translate this article for me???


Ok, not really a translation, but a summary of what should be the most interesting parts for you:

Tromsö's website has been talking to Patrik Mörk (who is also Atiba Hutchinson's scandinavian agent). "He is full of praise for the canadian team:

- No doubt Canada has a very strong generation here... they lost only narrowly to one of Europe's best national teams."

"- I've heard good things about Kevin and his play. He impressed a lot in the earlier matches."

"- Sita Taty Matondo has been more of a wild card...He seems much stronger than when he was at Tromsö...One of the fastest player of the tournament."

And in the last paragraph the website writes about Kevin Harmse and Tromsö:

"When it comes to Kevin and his relation with Tromsö, it is true that he presently does not have a contract with the club. The option for a two year extension was not used by the club, this because of the present downsizing of the squad and the responsibitily the club feels for the contracted players."

BTW, I've tried to check around but not found any signs on which swedish club or clubs it is that are supposed to be interested in Kevin.

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