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Best semi-pro league in canada


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whoa, i had no idea alberta, manitoba and quebec had semi-pro leagues? why in the hell haven't these leagues come together to form a national cup??? keep them regional, ya. for league play etc. but, have them playing local top amateur clubs, throw in the local a-league clubs and the cup is set!!! holy crap, this is pitiful.

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The MMSL is not a semi-pro league and has never been. There have been claims that 2 or 3 players get a little extra cash on the side but believe me I grew up playing here and this is not a semi-pro league. Some players weere given jobs by their respective owners but no cash is changing hands over soccer here in manitoba.

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I contest that Jaydog's post is just another shot at the cpsl.

If you actually saw the level of play in the MMSL, you would never compare it to the other leagues mentioned. If you don't like a particular league thats fine, don't start rumors you can't substantiate to prove your point.

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It is not a shot at the cpsl in any way.It is just a simple question.

There are these semi-pro league all in canada and it is just to see witch one is the top.In anywhere in my first post do i say anything about the cpsl no.It is you who is trying to start something that should not be started.

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Another point that must be made is that the provincial leagues are feeder leagues for the Canadian professional teams. The provincial leagues are good for CLUB SOCCER and the attendances will never be more than friends and family of the players. Trying to make these leagues semi-pro(ie make it a spectator sport at that level) would be a huge waste fo resources.

Just a thought.

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I don't know, there were some pretty big crowds out for the premier fixtures during the MSA Cup. For both Cup and League play. All played at a community club in the sticks, without lighting and seating. Not bad support at all given the circumstances.

So. I have hope yet. If we can't get a PDL squad or an A-League team I have dreams someone could put together a regional semi-pro league which'll succeed out here in Flatland. Never happen on a provincial level, absolutely. But I think The 'Peg could probably put a couple of entries into a regional league if the players were willing to offer their services on speculation (share cropping).

Now wouldn't that be nice[^]

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All of the Saskatchewan Soccer League matches I saw were at good pitches with seating, lights, gate admission. There was a PA system and concessions at some games too if I remember correctly.

As an asside, five south Sask premier teams had a futsal tourney this past weekend. Given the long winters, there is a move amongst the elite teams to go towards futsal to help develop the game and prepare for the outdoor season. Kevin Holness and Regina Athletico took the honours.

As for the question of which is better I have zero idea. I don't think there are too many people who have seen all of these leagues and can make a comparison.



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