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An oldie, but a goodie


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quote:Originally posted by Mimglow

Wow, I've never seen that picture. What were the circumstance surrounding that?

It was taken during the 2002 World Cup qualifying semifinal round at Azteca on August 15, 2000. I'm not sure if the circumstances surrounding it were ever determined because we didn't actually see it during the game but the photo created quite a stir when it appeared on the front page of The Toronto Star's sports section the next day. At the time Stalteri was already hated by most Voyageurs (most people thought he "sucked" --- man, how times change!) and the photo didn't help.
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quote:Originally posted by hamiltonfan

was he really mad or something? you dont just go around giving your team mates the finger? what happened?

The amount of fuss that was made over this rather amusing photo has always amused me somewhat. Go to any Canadian match (or even watch one on tv if there is a small crowd in the stands) and you can usually hear teammates swearing at each other on the field all the time. The only thing different about this situation is that Stalteri gave a visual demonstration. ;)

And I'm sure Canada is not unique in this regard.

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quote:Originally posted by hamiltonfan

was he really mad or something? you dont just go around giving your team mates the finger? what happened?

The amount of fuss that was made over this rather amusing photo has always amused me somewhat. Go to any Canadian match (or even watch one on tv if there is a small crowd in the stands) and you can usually hear teammates swearing at each other on the field all the time. The only thing different about this situation is that Stalteri gave a visual demonstration. ;)

And I'm sure Canada is not unique in this regard.

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I remember the big debate being whether or not the finger was directed at DeVos or if it was a trick of the angle or something.

A lot of the criticism of Stalteri wasn't his play (though he did get stick for his finishing as a forward and his giveaway as a mid early on), but his temper which reminded a lot of people of Pesch at a young age. This is a good example that maybe some of the criticism was founded.

I always could tell he was talented, that's what made him so frustrating in 1999-2000.



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