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If Canada were to beat the US in the final how would the Canadian press react? What implications would it have for the future of Canadian soccer? What it be a huge deal or just another match?

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It would be a big deal. Any time we beat the Americans in anything, it makes the news because we as Canadians eat that stuff up.

As far as having an impact on soccer in the country, I'm not so sure. It can't hurt, but I believe it would simply have a shelf-life as a feel good story / we beat the Americans.

I could be wrong.

Mimglow, Ottawa


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In the Gold Cup? I think few would notice really. Some newspapers would have articles about it, some might mention it in a small paragraph, others might just show a photo mentioning the score in the caption.

At least that's what I would expect from previous experiences.

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quote:Originally posted by Crazy_Yank

If Canada were to beat the US in the final how would the Canadian press react? What implications would it have for the future of Canadian soccer? What it be a huge deal or just another match?

"Try not, do. Do or do not. There is no try" - Yoda

I don't think it would garner the kind of reaction that your probably thinking. To be quite honnest, the US performance and immergance on the world scene has been quite impressive, but its quite another thing when it comes to being recognized as a world soccer power within of the public at large. It takes more time for this.

There are many sports where a canadian victory over the US would be considered a noteworthy achievement, but when it comes to soccer, Joe Average Canadian thinks of south americans and Eurpeans as the soccer powers. Therefore, IMO, a victory over the US in the final would be more remebered more for the fact that we won the Gold cup than it for for the fact that we beat the americans. Unlike, for example, our hockey victories over the US, or the exploits of Ben Johnson and Donavan Bailey.

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The victory in 2000 got good press here in Saskatchewan. Beating Brazil, even though it is an U-23, would have the best impact in terms of effect on the Canadian soccer pysche. Following that would be Mexico. We like beating the US in anything (Russia too) but they simply do not have the soccer profile of Brazil or Mexico yet. Perhaps in another decade the US will achieve the same stature as Mexico here in Canada when it comes to soccer (This is the case due to the relatively low standing of the game in Canada as the US is currently equal to Mexico in terms of ability, most Canadians simply do not know this) You'll have to win the World Cup at least twice before you hit Brazil's level :) Basically, beating the US would have nothing more than a short term feel good effect as Mimglow suggests.

The opinions expressed above are just that.

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Winning the Gold Cup (after all, Crazy_Yank said beating the US in the final) would be noticed. I mean, when we won in 2000 it was on the front page of the newspapers, talked about on the radio (I recall discussions on Toronto's all-sports (read: all-hockey/basketball at that time of year) station the Fan 590 concluding that it was the top story of the weekend, a weekend which featured Vince Carter scoring 50 points for the first time), and I'm pretty sure it was on all the television newscasts. A victory over the US may not be a big deal, but a Gold Cup victory would be.

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It was on the front cover of every Toronto paper.

Winning the Gold Cup would be bigger than beating the US along the way, and not as big a deal as beating the other teams mentioned, but it would get a lot of attention in this neck of the woods. A lot of " Joe Canucks" in this area will celebrate any win over the US, particularly in soccer.

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