It's been a busy Whitecaps week since the last podcast.
Three MLS points in the bag against Dallas, a new first team member, the Under 16 and 18 Residency teams have qualified for the USSDA playoffs and the Caps are travelling out east to face Columbus Crew on Saturday.
So much to cram in, but we try, and we're joined by two guests to try and makes sense of it.
First up is Ohio lad <b>Michael Nanchoff</b>, to talk about heading back to his home state for a game which will have 500 plus members of Team Nanchoff in attendance to cheer on the Caps.
Our second guest is <b>Caleb Clarke</b>, fresh from signing his MLS contract with the Caps. We chat about his development, his goals, and how the Under 18's are going to fare in the playoffs.
Some things we learn this week's show and from our new <i>"Room-mates"</i> feature....
- Some Whitecaps are terrible snorers, whilst some just breathe like they're snoring
- Davide Chiumiento knows some choice Serbian swear words
- Paul Ritchie is a lean, mean, gaming machine
Oh, and we may have forced Caleb Clarke to join Twitter!
No hot dog chat this week, but we're ready for a sausagefest.
[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]You can listen to this week's podcast (and the previous ones) on iTunes HERE or download it for your later listening delight HERE. Can't wait? Have a listen on one of the players below:
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