This weeks show features author and historian Robert Janning. Robert has written a fantastic book called <i>"Westcoast Reign"</i>, which catalogues the first steps of the beautiful game in the province of British Columbia. Robert takes the time to tell us a couple stories from his book and shares a few of his personal stories.
You can get hold of a copy of <i>"Westcoast Reign"</i> at <a href="" target="_blank">Ballboy Press</a>, with free shipping in the lower mainland and cheap shipping elsewhere in Canada and the rest of the world. Highly recommended.
After we chat with Robert, Benjamin Massey about the Whitecaps' game last night against the Eastern Conference leading Sporting Kansas City.
It's a different show from what we normally do but it will certainly be a great show for anyone who is interested in the history of soccer.
[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]You can listen to this week's podcast (and the previous ones) on iTunes HERE or download it for your later listening delight HERE. Can't wait? Have a listen on one of the players below:
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