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  • It's Called Football - Interview Only with Stephen Hart



    There will be no live show tonight. And apologies for that. Those that have been following this site know the story that we are working on right now and it's causing our show schedule to be erratic. We hope to be back to normal by next week.

    For now though, here is an Interview Only with Canadian National Team head coach Stephen Hart. We drove up to Alliston, where the team is training ahead of the Canada v Ecuador game, to speak to Hart about Iain Hume's absence from the lineup, Junior Hoilett and his future with Canada and how he's approaching World Cup qualifying this Fall.


    <embed src="http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/FlowPlayerLight.swf?config={embedded:true,videoFile:%27http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/download/2540/23509/stephenhartinterviewonlyfinal.mp3%27,initialScale:%27scale%27,controlBarBackgroundColor:%270x778899%27,autoBuffering:false,loop:false,autoPlay:false}" width="400" height="25" scale="fit" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

    If you're having problems with the podhoster program you can listen and download it here.

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