Hey you,
You know I love you, right? I have from the moment I first saw you. We’ve had some incredible days down at the park – fun afternoons that I will always remember. There have been times when our days together have left me dizzy, unable to think about anything else for days after.
There have been times when I’ve allowed our relationship to engulf my life – the intensity of my feelings too strong to manage. That doesn’t happen as much any more – I’ve found a good balance – but that doesn’t mean I care about you any less. The truth is I deeply, deeply care about you. And I always will.
One of the things that allowed the early part of our relationship to feel so natural and easy was that there were no expectations. We didn’t have to define anything about us, we just were. Relationship goals were as simple as just trying to enjoy each other’s company.
But, things have changed. It’s time to figure out what this all means. Maybe it just is what it is – an occasional distraction, but nothing more. You’ll remain an important part of my life, but the intensity will be reduced. Others will fill the role you once did.
Or, we could change things just a little bit – take a risk and see if this can’t be better. Personally, I think it could be really special.
I honestly don’t know which way things are going to go, but I do know we’re at a crossroads. There are lots of different ways to love someone. It’s time to figure out how I love you.